8 facts about North Korea


From the screens and newspaper articles, we are increasingly talking about the situation in North Korea. But nevertheless, most people in our country do not know anything about the DPRK. Of course, we periodically hear about military trials, closed mode and much more, mainly on the political topic. We will tell eight facts about North Korea who will surprise you.

1. North Korea - a country with the highest degree of military mood

The reason lies in a long-term struggle with countries with capitalist entry. In the DPRK, military uniform you can meet on every third citizen. Conscripts here and men, women. The difference is only on time: men call for ten years, and women are five. The most dangerous point where minor clashes are constantly occurring, is the border between the North and South. So many weapons are concentrated here that this territory is rightfully considered the most militarized in the world.

2. Car - Favorites

In the mid-50s of the last century, Koreans produced copies of Soviet cars, but then began to produce their versions of Mercedes and Toyota. However, this does not affect the increase in the number of cars at present. Import is missing, and the local manufacturer "pleases" of citizens is just a few thousand per year. In addition, the car is not available to everyone, but only by the highest government ranks.

Every third citizen carries military uniform

Every third citizen carries military uniform

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

3. You can not hate as you want

In any hairdresser in the DPRK you will see a haircut and hairstyle on the wall, which are allowed at the official level. The party forbids workers of salons to cut fellow citizens as they please. Men have a choice of 10 haircuts, but women are lucky a little more - they are available to 18 haircuts.

For wearing jeans can be sent to the labor camp

For wearing jeans can be sent to the labor camp

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

4. Kim Chen Yun can only be one

In the DPRK you will not meet the second person with the same name as the highest leader. If young parents violate this rule, calling the child Kim Jong Yun (the name depends on who is now in power) and the party learns about this, they urgently need to change the name of the child.

5. Strict ban on blue jeans

Jeans, as you know, the most real symbol of capitalism, and, of course, act on the power of the DPRK as a red rag on the bull. If a bold seller decides to put jeans in his store, it is waiting for either forced work or a labor camp.

Korea famous for beautiful landscapes

Korea famous for beautiful landscapes

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

6. Own version of the Gulag

As you already understood, orders in North Korea are more than strict, and the violator risks being seriously punished. In the DPRK, its own system of punishments: a labor camp is one of the most difficult. A man who fell into the camp will work as never in life, and food leaves much to be desired. Maybe that's why Citizens of North Korea follow the law and do not wear jeans.

7. Amazing Natural Beauty

In North Korea, stunningly clean and fresh air. But the whole thing in the undeveloped industry and the absence of cars.

8. The largest stadium in the world

The stadium in Pyongyang is able to accommodate more than 140 thousand spectators. In the DPRK there is a national football team who trains at this stadium, considering his "home" arena. If holidays are coming, the stadium is turned into a concert area for performances of artists.

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