Star experience: how to lose weight after childbirth?


Six months ago, Eva Mendez became Mom's daughter Esmeralda. For six months, the actress gave all her baby. But now the movie star appeared time to go and tell how she brings themselves in shape after childbirth. Womanhit also found out the secrets of losing weight of other star mammies.

"I am not from those who are happy to run from the gym," a 41-year-old Eva Mendez admits. - A few years ago, I agreed that I need it. At least just for health. But sports do not bring me joy. "

"Now I plan my day in such a way as to find a reason not to do. I can even get into the hall, but five minutes later I call my coach and say: "Oh, I do not have time. Can be transferred? ". And she me: "Nothing, I'll wait for you!". And I think: "What is? Do you have any other customers? Nowhere to go? "- Laughing continues the actress. - Yes, sometimes I use my daughter as an excuse of my laziness. But my coach persuades me to work out at least twenty minutes. And I, in the end, agree with her. It is better than nothing. "

And Scarlett Johansson loves exercise and combines strength training with Cardio, endurance, yoga and pilates. Photo: AP images.

And Scarlett Johansson loves exercise and combines strength training with Cardio, endurance, yoga and pilates. Photo: AP images.

Scarlett Johansson became the mother of Rose's daughter a week before Eva Mendez. But, unlike Eva, Scarlett loves to be in the gym. And barely at the actress had the strength and the opportunity to return to fitness classes, she began to come to them. "Now it has become more difficult to find time on a hike. But I barely get there, I also do intensively, as my coach is a very pumped man. These are also power loads, cardiotrans, and endurance, and yoga classes, and Pilates. In general, I love to sweat, "says Johansson. - Of course, I have days when I don't want anything. But I overpow myself and still go to the hall. "

Mila Cunis is sure to lose weight after childbirth it helped her breastfeeding. Photo:

Mila Cunis is sure to lose weight after childbirth it helped her breastfeeding. Photo:

Mila Kunis, who became Mom's daughter Wayatt on October 1 last year, demonstrated a magnificent figure for two months after childbirth. "This is all thanks to breast feeding. It must be recognized, this is the best way to return to the form after childbirth, "the movie star admitted. - At the same time, I eat very well. And it gives me strength for the whole day. Of course, my diet has changed somewhat. But I like healthy nutrition. "

The mother of four children Heidi Klum is not shy to pose nude. Photo:

The mother of four children Heidi Klum is not shy to pose nude. Photo:

The mother of four children Heidi Klum also considered breastfeeding one of the main ways to get rid of extra kilograms scored during an interesting position. But Heidi is generally confident that it is much easier to lose weight after childbirth, trying to follow its nutrition not only after pregnancy, but also during. "And if I suddenly, I really wanted to eat something calorie, I gnawing the apple and looked at my old photos, where I was depicted in nude: I stimulated to abandon the harmful food," said Suprmodel.

After the birth, Jennifer Lopez completely refused red meat. Photo:

After the birth, Jennifer Lopez completely refused red meat. Photo:

Jennifer Lopez did not feed her twins Max and Emma Breast. And to reset the 23 kilograms of the singer helped the sport and a strict diet. In the desire to return to its usual weight in 55 kilograms of the pop star for a while completely refused red meat. In her diet "Young Mom" ​​included an omelet of proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits, yogurt, tuna and chicken breast. And, of course, no alcohol.

Angelina Jolie returned slightness with computer games.

Angelina Jolie returned slightness with computer games.

Gennady Avramenko

Hero Heroine Angelina Jolie, who has three adoptive children and three relatives, considers a large number of kids with a good way to lose weight: children's troubles are not located to the extra weight setting. However, in addition to this and familiar to many Yoga and healthy nutrition stars, the actress found a way out in computer games. The Senior Reception Son of Maddox Maddox, who was seven years old when Jolie gave birth twins, added it to the gaming console. And soon Angelina and herself opened the game "Let's take on Pilates." Pursuing on the hour three times a week, the actress quickly reached the complex level, and for three months after the birth appeared on one of the film at full Krasya.

Jessica Alba to return to the form after the second birth, corsets wore. Photo:

Jessica Alba to return to the form after the second birth, corsets wore. Photo:

Jessica Alba to return to the form after the second birth chose a rather hard method. Within three months, the actress continuously wore pulling corsets: in the afternoon one, at night the other. "It was pretty cruel. Not everyone will suit this method, - confessed after the movie star. - In addition, walking in the corset was hot, I was all the time sweaty. But it was worth it. After generic muscles stretched. And the corset helped them quickly catch up, take the former elasticity, let's say, remember, in what form they were. "

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