No longer 18: how to alleviate pain in the knees during sports


Knees hurt not only from the runners, but also from skiers, dancers and anyone - it all depends on the load on the legs and your genetics. While some years run and jump, others have enough to make a couple of runs to save with sharp pain in the joints. Doctors call this condition by palatlofemoral pain syndrome. And simple words will explain how to cope with the acute stage of pain and normalize the functioning of the joints.

Causes of lap pain

Overvoltage. If you exercise intensively 3-4 times a week, without observing the intervals of 1-2 days of rest, after a while, the knees can begin to whine. Especially stressful for knees are running, basketball, tennis, classes in the gym - lunges, squats and bends lying.

Trauma or foot injury. When you displaced any bones from the hip before the ankle, the load on the knee cup increases when exercising, which can lead to injury.

Deviations in physiology. The syndrome of the hypermobility of the joints, when they move incorrectly or more laid, can cause pain in the knees. Also, such deviations as flatfoot and other stall problems can lead to a knee pain as a result of a change in gait.

Timely treatment will help you avoid serious consequences.

Timely treatment will help you avoid serious consequences.


Undustful muscles. The knee cup during flexion and extension of the joint is held at the expense of the quadriceps - the four-headed muscles of the thigh. If they are weakly developed, the knees can move when performing exercises, which, again, will lead to painful sensations.

To find out the exact reason, consult a doctor and pass the survey. The doctor will hold you a thorough medical examination. It can also make an X-ray to clarify the cause of pain. In most cases, the doctor will advise temporarily to take deeperating medicines and apply the healing gel on the knee joints, but sometimes it can reach the operation - you need to ask for help.

How to reduce the pain in the knees

Relax. For a few weeks, give up loads on the lower part of the body - both intense and lungs like stretching. Apply 2-3 times a day the healing gel, shooting swelling that the doctor will recommend you until the pain is passing. In an emergency, you can take an anesthetic drug - it is better than tormented by the inability to move normally.

Alternate heat and cold. ONE people help ice compresses, another hot bath is suitable. For the first method, take a plate of frozen ice, wrap it in a towel and attach to the knee for 20-30 minutes. Cold temporarily reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings and removes swelling. The second way is to lie down in a bathroom with a slightly hot water for 15-20 minutes to increase blood flow to the knee together with leukocytes, which will be healed fasterly damaged cells.

Wrap your knee. Buy an elastic bandage, a retainer or bandage - such can be found both in a pharmacy and in sports goods stores. Usually volleyball players use knee pads during games - find out from those who are interested in this sport of friends, what brand the locks are better to buy. Wear them before each workout to reduce the burden on the joint.

Find out where you can buy clamps

Find out where you can buy clamps


Sit in a comfortable posture. Do not bend your knees in the lotus position and do not be tailbled when you work on a laptop, otherwise, after a time, they can get sick. It is best to straighten your legs and put a high pillow under the ankles - so lymph and blood will be circulated faster, giving enough dust power. Every couple of hours do not forget to make a workout to further strengthen the influx of blood.

Change shoes. Each type of sport corresponds to its type of shoes - do not neglect the recommendations of the coach and do not save on high-quality sneakers. If you have a stall problem, put orthopedic insoles into shoes. As soon as you notice that the sole is deformed from contact with the surface during classes, without pity, throw out shoes and change the new pair. Usually you need it once every 1.5-2 years.

Watch the weight. Fullness increases its knees, so you have to keep a diet all my life with sore joints. Perceive it as a mandatory rule and do not disturb the boundaries of the body of the body of the body (BMI).

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