Vlad Furman: "In the elegant back and the legs of Nelly, I fell in love with all my life"


Who is today the most beautiful-and experience - a couple of Russian cinema? Vlad Furman and Nelly Popova could well compete for this title. He is a famous director: "Streets of broken lanterns", "National Security Agent", "Mysterious Passion", "The Terrorist of Ivanova", "Kurin. Yama, "she is a talented actress. Once he fell in love ... Nelli's graceful back, and for more than twenty years they are together. And the son of Alexey decided to go in the footsteps of his parents and tie his life with a movie. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Vlad, you are still impossible to remind Andrei Mironova. Did you talk about it?

Vlad: I do not know ... sometimes they say that. You know, in the Middle Ages before a pregnant woman put, for example, the statue of Apollo, so that she looked at her as often as possible. It was believed that then maybe the child will be born as beautiful as an ancient Greek God. And since my father was friends with Andrei Alexandrovich and created in St. Petersburg Theater named after Andrei Mironov, then nothing surprising. (Laughs.)

Nellie: It sometimes seems to me that Vlad and on plastic is very similar to Mironov. I think the fact is that he really absorbed this image since childhood.

Vlad: By the way, Andrei Alexandrovich gave me a raincoat, a denim costume and a shirt in a cell. I was fourteen years old. Mom has already died, and his father often took me on tour. And here we arrived in Moscow, came to visit Mironov. He then just returned from America, was there with the theater. And Andrei Aleksandrovich - I: "Well, wait ..." - went somewhere, brings clothes: "Apparently." I tried out. "Okay. So I wear! " Excellent, by the way, things. LEE denim jacket and fashionable now. But I recovered a little, so I could not wear it, otherwise I could wear.

Nellie: And we still have a guitar that Muzla's father bought many years ago. And all his friends-the actors with whom Rudolf Davydovich worked, put concert numbers with them, signed on the instrument: Leonov, Papanov, Yakovlev, Rykin, Mironov ... And Zinovy ​​Gerdt except the autograph also left the drawings. Something emerged, something cracked, but we store this guitar.

Vlad Furman:

"Pope turned eighty years, behind his shoulders the most difficult life. He grew up without parents, survived the blockade, stuttered and nevertheless became an artist"

Photo: Ksenia Green

- Vlad, your father Rudolph Furmanov is a famous actor, director and entrepreneur. That is, you continue the dynasty ...

Vlad: Yes, I was born in such a family that, probably, was doomed to do theater. Here the dad recently turned eighty years, behind his shoulders the most complex life. He grew up without parents, survived the blockade, at four years hit the bombing, because of what he had problems with speech, Dad stood up, and nevertheless he became an artist, although there was no data for this profession, it could not be said. This generation of people who hardered the war, who survived the Stalinchina and other abominations - and everyone was standing out, because in them since childhood there was a powerful charge aimed at self-realization, on the struggle with circumstances! Father and now works. In the next series of "National Security Agent", which is preparing for exit, starred. He has a good role there - Philaret, this is such a criminal authority.

"True, that while you were the director of this series, Mikhail Porechenkov infected you with love for motorcycles?"

Vlad: It was, yes. Then the Agent was changed in the direction of adventure cinema. Before ... James Bond, falling into different Wednesdays. We came up with the story that he had Handra, her hands had fallen, which had never happened before and to beat the adrenaline to the adrenaline, the bosses sends him to search for international spies in the biker environment. In our filming, forty real bikers participated. And they made a strong impression on me. Very cool everything was - with races, fights. I'll say right away: this is not what they actually live, bikers are normal intelligent guys. But in the picture did hell that. (Laughs.) And Misha has long been driving. And he me: "Let me pump you." And here we sang. In the park it was. Wet road. Misha is accelerated, and he is in the helmet, and I am not. At some point, the motorcycle was strongly led, I clung to Misha, and in my head I thought: now you will fall, how will I pay a series?! And I hang megaphone on my back and fluttering on the spher of that thing in which they say. Bikers laugh! Probably, everything looked really comical. Thank God, we did not fall. But after that I had a dream to sit on the bike. I even a jacket in which Misha was filmed, such with "noodle", then bought. And only after ten years later, I purchased a motorcycle, I passed the rights and for three years I ride.

- Nelly, what can you feel myself a biker wife?

Nellie: It's horrible. I was against the long time, but at some point I understood: Well, since Vlad I dreamed about this for so long, it is necessary that the dream fell. Okay, I say, buy. And he ordered a bike in Japan. And finally this motorcycle comes - and in the workshop they collect. I look: Lord, I think, well, why? We have no driving culture. It's just ... Semi-finished Crematorium! That was the thought of terrible. And the guys from the workshop tell me: "Your husband is still young, and here we recently came to us, seventy years old, says, pick me up a bike. We are: "Grandpa, where are you? Feel! "And he:" Listen, I dreamed of all my life about it, but my wife was not allowed. And now she died ... " If you saw, with which person he left from the workshop! He glowed from happiness, he grinned! " (Laughs.)

Vlad Furman:

"Nellie stood in line into the audience. The figure is so accurate, she holds a bunch, on which the step beaten. And I looked at this back and legs, remembering that and another for life"

Photo: Ksenia Green

- Your family duo recently decided to step on the territory of the author's cinema. Vlad removed the film "Gupedi", and you, Nelli, played a major role in it. The film was already highly appreciated at film festivals in the UK and Japan. Is the story of a Russian woman who is ready to endure any humiliation from her husband, if not to change anything in his life, is interesting even to the Japanese? And, by the way, what is "Guped"?

Nellie: This is a fishing breed that survives even in sewage ... And our story is interesting to people of any nationalities, because it can happen in any country. Our film is about a woman who loves her husband insanely and forgives him everything, hesitates, carries his cross and blame himself. It cannot be decided to change your life as a dog that is waiting for a team who resolves to do something. And here the team seems to be obtained: can be changed. But it stops the fear - how can I?! But what about without that sooner?! Our such eternal baby fear. Once Vlad, on the same play, Vasi Sigarev put a performance, I also play a major role in it. The performance goes for many years and every time enters the target. After the women of different age came to me. I remember, one elderly lady spun straightly, hugged me - and: "My baby, how do you do not respect yourself? I also had such a lancher, but I left him, and what are you tolerant?! " That is, she perceived me as my heroine. And I look - how many around such "Guped"! How many women who suffer. And life passes. Is it possible to call this love? Justify love? How many of such families where they fight, and then linger! Yes, the Russian woman if he loves - he loves to the end. And will humble, tolerate. But - sorry ...

- Nellie, in your opinion, Vlad is more theatrical or film director?

Nellie: It is equivalent in these two professions. Vlad is able to switch from the theater to the cinema and on the contrary. He has his own handwriting, especially in the theater. His performances do not confuse with anything. And it is important that he is in the theater and in the cinema finds pain points, which he himself is seriously worried. He will never take for work only for money. Vlad refused many such projects. And another wife, maybe she would say: Enough, you must earn! But I understand that my husband will never fit into any story if she does not care personally.

- Vlad, did you really be so even in young years when you got a family?

Vlad: No, there were, of course, cases. For example, for the sake of earnings, I played Alexander Nevsky at the celebration of the city of Tosno and this money bought a stroller to his son. And, I do not hide, I was interested to act in such a role, although not everything was easy. It was necessary to go ahead of the troops riding. I speak the organizers: "I don't know how to ride horses." They: "Yes, you do not worry, there will be a simple breaking horse, Smirny and in general a little live." Waiting for your heavy truck. And suddenly - a pillar of sand! Mr. Cossacks! Yes on the crow! This is my army. And the same hot stallion is supposed to me. I climb - and he is on the pussy! Chuck! Please: "Let someone lead my horse under the worst". So done. And now I'm going ahead of troops, the inhabitants welcome Nevsky. At this time, the speakers are triggered, and my horse rises again to sill. I clung to the mane! The people laugh. But it is impossible that Nevsky fell away, so I retained somehow on a horse. The speakers are yell: "Long live Alexander Nevsky!" And the Nevsky of Togo and looked ...

- Wow, pleasant memories!

Vlad: Wait. It was pleasant further ... And so I got off the horse, I go on the stage, I think - well, now the people will give me an estimate! Nevertheless saw what a rider I am ... But what would you think - the magic power of art worked! I start playing the prince: "I, Alexander Nevsky, I appeal to you, the inhabitants of the city of Tosno!" And people who have just been ready to chain me and throw something that fell, subsided! That's what it means to hook the audience. Just need to do everything with love and treat with irony. In mutually accidents, we were with the holes and "frost": she was a snow maiden, I am Santa Claus. Although it is so not mine! But! Once it took, you need to do so that it was not ashamed. I remember, five years have passed since the new year, when we were "freezed," I was already filming the "gangster Petersburg", and the actor from the "Buff" Theater calls me: "Vlad, come, spend at least one Christmas tree Help "Pierce"! " I even brag this story, because, as I was talked later, I entered the top three best sows of frost in St. Petersburg.

Vlad Furman:

"Vlad believed that I deceive him - I know that a girl will be born, but I don't want to upset him. After all, he dreamed of his son. I felt it, although he did not speak directly"

Photo: Ksenia Green

- And what, very well imagine you in these images: you are tall and static, Nelli is a fragile blonde. How did you successfully found each other for more than twenty years ago?

Vlad: Nellie studied on the acting and was two years older. And I entered the directorial, our course was the last course of Georgy Alexandrovich Tovstonogov. So I remembered Neline legs. (Laughs.) She stood in line into the audience, apparently, some kind of showed. I remember, she has such a figure, she holds a bunch, on which the step is beaten, she has a shoe shoes on her legs, and it is not just worth it, but is hiking. For some reason, I turned out to be near, I looked at this back and on the legs, commemorating that and the other, as it turned out, for life. (Laughs.)

- Oh, you as the hero of the play Tirsco de Molina "jealous to himself", who fell in love, seeing only the graceful handle of the girl!

Vlad: And also, you see, chasing your back in some young age! (Laughs.) It's now, when it does not matter with vision, everyone seems young and beautiful. And then I treated very selectively to the girls, I was picky: the curl is not the one, the caffener is not the one, the anklet, face, brains - something and not so. And here - back! (Laughs.)

- So the novel started in student years?

Vlad: No no! Already after the end of the Academy. Before that, I saw Nelly in the film Rogozhkin "For the sake of several lines." It was her cinema debut. She and Nikita Mikhailovsky played the main roles - the one that was filmed in the picture "You did not dream." Nellie was the film of the director of Viktor Titov "Jokes" - with Abdulov and Dzhigarkhanyan. She played a teacher there. My friend and I went to this picture, and I: "Oh, this is a girl with whom I studied." Immediately remembered!

Nellie: And then Vlad came to the theater named after the Commissar, to put the play "Alien wife and husband under the bed" for Dostoevsky. I was also busy in this formulation.

Vlad: Nelli was such a redhead, enthusiastic, air. Although in the nineties, she also hardly lived, through many tests, including his personal life, however, seemed very cheerful. And she was different from everyone. In general, in the theater of the Commissioner, there were always many beautiful actresses, but Nelly and on their background was standing out. I like when a woman knows how to behave, there is charm in it and she can keep the distance. Well, I, of course, began to care, but not very actively, because Nellie was married then. And it was the period when the money was lacked and I so that at least something was in my pockets, worked as a guard. We wrapped in turns with my buddy. He fell on to stand on New Year's Eve, and he, being already married, asked me to replace him. I agreed. And I sit at night in this office and I call for all familiar, congratulations on the New Year. Mobile then there was not yet. I am typing Nelly's number, I say: "Nellie, I congratulate you on the New Year! And give my husband from me congratulations. " And she: "No husband. I divorced". Oh, it was my happing New Year's Eve! I ran out on the street, began to throw Bengal lights into the sky, something joyful shouting and jumping around the snowdrift. And next to this office cemetery and refueling. People probably watched and thought: what idiot? .. And from that day I began to actively seek Nellie.

Nellie: And so actively, that the premiere of a new performance, in which I had a role, I was no longer played, because about the Lesha, our son should have appeared. On the eve of the premiere, he was born.

Vlad Furman:

"It is impossible to create greenhouse conditions. Therefore, Nellie gets more from me on the set"

Photo: Ksenia Green

Vlad: That day I visited Nelly in the maternity hospital and went to the rehearsal. And Nelli's child in his stomach lay like that was not clear, boy or girl. Ultrasound did not show. Suddenly a call to the theater: "We congratulate you, you had a son." - "Can't be - I answer, - I just visited my wife. You are mistaken". They: "Check now. Oh, really mistaken. Sorry". Well, everything, I think, now there will be a girl exactly, because with a boy already won what incident occurred. When the contractions began, and it was night, Nelly called me, and I ran to the hospital. Through the Neva. She gave birth in an Otto clinic known in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island. Raughty - the gate is closed, the fence is high. He began to knock - deaf, no one came out. Well, I think, not to climb through the fence? Standing under the windows. I see - one window is burning. I think: Well, probably, everything happens there. So it turned out ... I did not watch my child born. I think it should remain for men sacrament.

Nellie: Vlad then believed that I deceive him - I know that the girl will be born, but I do not want to upset him. After all, he dreamed of his son. I felt it, although he did not speak directly. And in the theater, for some reason, everyone thought that we would have a girl. In any case, we bought all the pink in advance. I even at the moment when Lesha appeared, was surprised when I was told: boy. And only when the midwife turned him, I saw: exactly, boy! (Laughs.) For Vlad, it was, of course, happiness.

- As far as I know, Alexey, who is now twenty-one, went on your footsteps?

Nellie: He has a good language in school - English and French. We thought Lesha in the actors would not go, and suddenly he had Batz! - Everything has changed. We even upset a little. But genes where they are getting away from them. He just graduated from the theater Academy, by the way, with a red diploma, like Vlad. He entered the BDT, now rehearse in a new performance and has already started to slowly remove - in the "secrets of the investigation" for example.

- Who was engaged in the upbringing of the heir?

Nellie: He can say, "Mother's Son". When Lesha Ros, his dad actively filmed a movie. I came home for a short time, "included" a parent and started building it in full. (Laughs.)

Vlad: Motivate! Son told me: "Dad, if you motivate me, I will leave to another room!" And on the door of that room hung the inscription "Daddy's entrance is not allowed!" And the sign is a road that the passage is closed. So it remains there to this day.

- Vlad, you invite your wife to each project. And the son planning to shoot?

Vlad: Here, as with Nelly, the question is artistic and creative. If there is some creative union if I have a feeling that only Lesha can play it, with its temperament, abilities, vision of life, - do something together. And then it does not matter, son he is or not a son. Especially since I will never attach anyone. It is impossible to create greenhouse conditions. Therefore, Nellie gets more from me on the set. And the son will go if it falls together to work ...

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