Oh, horror: jeans that will spoil the image


It is difficult to submit a wardrobe of a modern person, in which you can not find at least one pair of jeans. They are absolutely all, regardless of the scope of activity. This season, designers offer various options for Denim lovers, and not limited to jeans - this summer you can safely choose a skirt or shorts from a blue-blue material. However, if you are accustomed to the classics, we will tell, from which models it is worth refuse now.


Each girl in one or another interval of his life was "skinni". Or maybe you are now picking up a similar model at least once in the season? If this is so, we hurry you to disappoint - "skinnie" not only not welcome this summer, they are in principle no one goes. The exceptions are very thin girls, in other cases, jeans only emphasize what the girl would like to hide.


Hi, 70s! For a retro-party Clash - an ideal option, but if you are going to the office or an informal meeting, the idea to create an image with such a model is not the best undertaking. If you do not tolerate narrow models, look at the "boyfriends" that will become excellent replacement for your beloved, but outdated jeans.

Jeans with bulk decor

Last winter, almost every girl acquired a jumper with beads or other textured decorations, with the onset of heat beads "moved" to jeans, which cannot but upset. Additional volume decorations will not allow you to get a compliment to this summer, designers advise to look at stripes or plant printed.

Synthetic black jeans

Despite the fact that this model perfectly serves as a basic thing, still try not to look after black jeans this season. Try to choose the classic jeans moderately blue shades that are combined with almost any materials.


Girls preferring to attract attention make a big mistake, collecting the image from denim of various shades. To properly combine denim jackets and jeans, you need to have an absolute taste and correctly select shades at their temperature - a deep blue tint of trousers will never "make friends" with the seeded cold, which are most often found when tailored jackets. Be careful.

So what to choose? We collected the best options from designers in our photo report.



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