Why didn't the "ideal" man come?


One of our readers shared interesting sleep. She dreamed of this dream during the period when a man began to take care of her senses.

It must be said here that in choosing a partner we lead a lot of experiences: and the need for love and proximity, as well as the desire to say to yourself: "I'm fine, I have a permanent partner." And this desire can largely suppress our other impulses as soon as the candidate suitable in all parameters, it seems to us that this is the same! And other impulses of the soul and body can lead in the name of the Great Target. However, through dreams, our genuine response to events or people is next to us. Here is a visual example.

"A man cared for me. I liked everything in him - appearance, character, sense of humor. With all this, he is serious and wanted a relationship that could lead to marriage. He is secured, very smart. In general, I usually cling to me, and this hooked. But evenly to the first kiss - when he kissed, I had a sense of disgust and the desire to stop the kiss, I did not like the feeling of a kiss. At the same time, it did not smell unpleasant from him, he does not smoke, so it's not about it. And, in fact, I did not understand why. In all the rest, I like it. But it was physiologically a rejection. And this situation is very worried. Before the kiss pulled me to him. Now I understand that I can consider it only as a friend. I thought first that it would pass, maybe it would be better, but still kisses were unpleasant. I feel frustrated and do not understand how so? In all the rest, I really like it, and that the main thing, he wants the family and could provide. "

On the eve of the unpleasant kissing of our heroine, a dream was dreamed.

"I stand in front of the entrance to the balcony, I see through the glass door that my friend goes down the street - bumping it and joyfully run on the balcony. On the balcony there is a beautiful carved fence, this is the first floor. A friend stands and waiting for me. I'm leaning and kiss him on the cheek. Here he turns into a dog - a golden retriever. I start it to stroke it. Then he turns into a swan. I see the lake in front of the house, it is half frozen. I'm still standing on the balcony, there are still two men who are not familiar to me that they say: "Let him better become a dog again, like a swan he has a little head and little brains, so he will not survive." I look at the swan and confirm - they are right, it would be better to become a dog again. He turns into a retriever again, and at this moment, I wake up. "

If you link the sleep and subsequent event, then our heroine actually knows that the partner does not suit her: he is a maximum dog - beautiful and kind, but not suitable for her. Her friend's metamorphosis in a dream just talk about it. But in reality it makes a few attempts to adjust the reality to their tasks, because the family of a family wants. " Let the body talk about the opposite, let the touch and kisses cause rejection - it is maintained much more powerful - conviction in its right. For example, "I have to have a family, and this man wants to create it with me." It is fine that our dreams in the end did not alleged himself with three boxes and realizes that the man is her maximum of each other. But her case is rare. Women led by their beliefs are adjusted under various partners in the name of such "values" as a family. I take values ​​in quotes precisely because in this case we are talking about beliefs, stereotypes than personal experience. Holy believing in stereotypes and norms of society, many live with their husbands who beat them, or drink, or change. Belief in his case pushes to close the eyes on obvious facts, deceive and torment their body, to force him to obey high ideals.

But sleep is our royal privilege in the knowledge of the truth. Our personal truth, which can be attempted to hide from ourselves or, on the contrary, know it and live in accordance with it.

Good luck to our dream!

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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