Hu from Hu: How many foreign languages ​​should know the modern specialist


Know English Before everyone is an indisputable fact. All over the world, 983 million people speak English, of which only 371 million are native speakers, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. However, in modern conditions, one English is not enough - everything is taught, and therefore your uniqueness in the labor market falls. It would be nice to know 2-3 foreign languages ​​to become a more popular specialist. We give the transfer of the expert material of the BilingUA website about the demand of languages.


Mandarin, or Guanhua - the most common dialect in China. Speaking of Chinese, people imply it. A total of 1.05 billion people say on Mandarin, which makes it the most sought-after language for business. According to the International Monetary Fund, China has the largest economy for purchasing power parity. China is also the second largest world economy on nominal GDP. Over the past 30 years, China has accounted for, on average, 10 percent of the growth of the economy, which makes the country the largest manufacturing and export network. In addition to China, they also speak Taiwan on Mandarin in Taiwan, in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore. Moreover, all these countries have a rapidly growing economy both in terms of production and in terms of purchasing power. Thus, even the basic knowledge of the tongue will help you simplify the establishment of contact with overseas partners.

Learn Chinese now, as you will need for several years

Learn Chinese now, as you will need for several years



Just the number of indigenous carriers of Spanish 436 million people. About 527 million people speak Spanish all over the world. The main language is spoken in Spanish: Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, USA and Spain. Spanish is important, because almost 30 percent of the US population is spoken by it. Many words in English are also derived from Spanish. More than 20 countries use Spanish as an official language. According to the British Council, 34% of the business in the UK is carried out in Spanish. If you want to expand your business in the UK and the United States, the study of Spanish can bring you benefits.


Worldwide about 422 million people speak Arabic. Demographic data say that over the past 10 years, the use of Arabic has grown by 2500 percent! He even crossed the mark set by this indicator in Spanish and English. Arabic is the Language of the Middle East, which grew up with the oil and gas business. However, today their business is not limited to petroleum fields, but also includes tourism, infrastructure device and even fashion.

Try to engage with a teacher with zeal

Try to engage with a teacher with zeal


Popular European languages, such as French, German, Italian and others, you too can teach for your own pleasure. However, experts believe that in the future of the future, the Russian economy due to investments from Asia and the Middle East, for example, will overtake Germany, and therefore knowledge of our native language is already useful for 2030.

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