You got a paranoid: how to determine that the partner is time to go to a psychologist


Psychologists advise not to associate themselves with a partner - he has their own emotions, you have their own. However, the practice of family life shows that most couples are difficult to distance them from each other, not upset, for example, when a husband or wife comes from work in a bad mood and begins to present unreasonable claims. Testing negative emotions from time to time is normal, but sometimes your favorite person can imperceptibly move the face - it is important not to write off it for fatigue, but to help him cope with the problem with his desire to admit and solve it.

"Have you seen your boss? Rich, sports - who won't fall in love? "

Pathological jealousy destroyed not one union. The main cause of the problem is the low self-assessment of a person, or the experience of betrayal in past relations. Even if the partner told you about the betrayal of the previous beloved, you should not regret it and feed negative emotions. What only does not happen to people, but problems need to be addressed: you can learn to re-trust and abandon control for the sake of general comfort. Even if a man is not trying to catch you on treason, his dissatisfaction with himself also says a lot and requires working with self-esteem.

Jealousy to Men around you is not an indicator of love, but psyche disorder

Jealousy to Men around you is not an indicator of love, but psyche disorder


"Look at these news - the horror that is happening!"

The ability to take the situation and accept it with it, observing all recommended rules, it is important to preserve mental health. The current pandemic showed how much people are dependent on negative information and literally feed on it. Do not reject that the media is heated by the audience's interest, reporting "urgent news" and "the last discoveries of scientists", but none of the topics rises just like this - all this is the answer to the interest of people. It's one thing if the situation concerns you personally, so you are forced to be aware of the situation and respond to it. But reading news in all possible sources and terrorizing a partner when you work from home and order food delivery - too.

"I'm already 30, it's time to admit that I am a loser"

We will not raise the question of why you chose a man who considers themselves an empty place - this is your problem of the role of a "lifeguard", which you also need to decide in the doctor's office. However, such statements, as above, are often found in Russian culture, where, according to people, you either have become a millionaire at 18, or in 40 working for pennies. Learn from the example of Europe, where many are just defined with the profession and begin a career path. The psychologist will tell you your beloved that you do not need to compare ourselves with the rest, but it is important to evaluate yourself with respect to my own purposes.

Many problems come from a man's childhood, but sometimes he is inflamed of them from scratch

Many problems come from a man's childhood, but sometimes he is inflamed of them from scratch


"I have never loved my parents"

There are objective facts that prove the careless attitude of parents to raising a child - domestic violence, the emptition of basic needs, shifting the role of a parent on grandmothers and so on. But often, people complain about the elders without a reason, trying to translate their burden of responsibility for the unresolved fate. Some accuse the parents in the fact that they did not pay them to study, whereas in essence they could go for free to university for free. Another it seems that younger brothers and sisters loved more - this is also not true. The psychologist will explain to a person how he can cope with the negative, to recognize responsibility for his own life and forgive the elders if they really allowed mistakes.

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