Solar Eclipse Eyes of Stars


The solar eclipse that happened last Friday became the most discussed event of March. Even celebrities, despite their employment, armed with special adaptations and were observed for astronomical phenomenon. Some even managed to photograph him, praising pictures in social networks, and tell about their impressions.

Tine Kandelaki managed to capture a solar eclipse. Photo:

Tine Kandelaki managed to capture a solar eclipse. Photo:

Tina Kandelaki

Tina_Kandelaki: "Wow! Sunny # Eclipse with your own eyes is not a frequent phenomenon. At first I did not see anything special about it. It turned out that the whole essence is in a half-bow, when the sun is completely closed and just darkness, and the next second because of the moon sharply beats the light in all directions! " (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit).

Sergey Zverev. Photo:

Sergey Zverev. Photo:

Sergey Zverev

Zverevserg: "Watching a sunny eclipse. Made such a snapshot. In Moscow, the sun hits 65% !!! Star delight !!! "

Sergey Zverev also shared a snapshot of a rare natural phenomenon. Photo:

Sergey Zverev also shared a snapshot of a rare natural phenomenon. Photo:

Oksana Akinshina

Oksana_Akinshina. : "Today, probably, only the lazy did not mention the eclipse of the photo from the telescope ... and the trend of the day in Moscow - people with discs, floppy disks, toned glasses and light filters, and some and through sunglasses, scoring to work, admire the eclipse ...

And such a solar eclipse will remember Oksana Akinshina. Photo:

And such a solar eclipse will remember Oksana Akinshina. Photo:

Solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the moon, moving around the Earth, it turns out between the Earth and the Sun and completely or partially overshadows it with his disc. Beauty!"

Elena Borscheva. Photo:

Elena Borscheva. Photo:

Elena Borscheva

Lenaborshcheva. : "Skipped the glass, I go to watch the solar eclipse, who is with me ??? The last time I saw in childhood. "

Elena Borscheva watched a solar eclipse through this glass. Photo:

Elena Borscheva watched a solar eclipse through this glass. Photo:

Victoria Dayneko

VictoriaDaineko: "Eclipse. Eclipse. And I just woke up. "

Victoria Dayneko. Photo:

Victoria Dayneko. Photo:

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