City of Opportunities: Muscovites will offer an idea to improve the work of online housing and communal services


Moscow develops seven-year steps, including in the online space. Most of the city's inhabitants are interested in improving the quality of the services received, and there is nothing surprising in the desire to make the city comfortable and comfortable for yourself and your family, do you agree? We are confident that yes.

Muscovites will have the opportunity to make their ideas for the development of the platform in the housing and communal services: all offers can be sent from 25 to 27 May, and you can do this on the site Those who "burn" the idea of ​​change, suggest thinking how to improve a single personal account on the city portal, as well as discuss the convenience of the services received in the housing and communal services, because to improve the quality, feedback is necessary. The project takes place on the portal from 25 to 31 May.

According to Alexander Sopholy, the head of GKU "New Management Technologies", Muscovites, for many years, solve housing and communal problems in the online space for many years - only at the beginning of this year, residents of the capital went to the site with various requests more than 19 million times. Now it appeared the opportunity not only to take advantage of the site for solving household issues, but also to offer something to your own.

Muscovites prefer to solve utility issues online

Muscovites prefer to solve utility issues online


Network interaction of citizens and the city became the usual part of our reality, and therefore the urban services are so important feedback, especially when it comes to solving housing and communal issues, with which we are confronted daily. Therefore, the main emphasis was made on the development of the online utility housing and utilities sector.

Anyone who has a desire to help the city becomes an affordable and convenient environment, can offer their ideas or an IT solution in one form or another. By the way, such an experiment successfully ended when it was about the cultural life of the capital: the inhabitants actively offered ideas for the introduction of new services and services, as a result, the Commission chose as much as 46 ideas that were approved and implemented.

But that's not all. A new quiz starts on the online platform "Active Citizen", in which everyone can check the knowledge of projects - "recognize Moscow", "Museum Moscow online" and "Moscow E-School". This is not the first quiz of the project: the participants of the first competition took place three stages, and more than 115 thousand Muscovites took part in the quiz. The new quiz will be held throughout the month, and the winners are waiting for promotion in the form of tickets to Moscow Museums - by itself, to visit all the cultural institutions of the city will be possible only after the removal of all restrictions.

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