Survival of the Eurovision contestants eclipsed


Tommy Crang did not just "voiced" songs of applicants for a trip to Vienna for the hearing and deaf spectators of the SVT channel, but also performed in the studio incendiary dances. The roller with the most funny fragment of the "performances" of a 48-year-old survival in a few days collected over two million views on the Internet. The show, which made an unusual leader during the translation of the Heroes of the singer Mansa Zelevrole, could most reliably transfer all the emotions of the artist. Largely due to this Heroes and will sound in Vienna. True, now after what the audience seemed to believe that the contest should be sent sooner than the Cranga himself than Mansa Zelevrole.

Tommy Crung, who never learned the survival professionally, it took five weeks of intense training to master the skills and bring his "highlight." "When I go out on the stage and music begins, I'm just leaving for a gap. I do not know what happens to me, "Crang shared. Now the Survival of the Summer considers himself the happiest man - he could only dream of such glory.

By the way ...

The Russian Federation this year at the international musical competition will be represented by the singer of Polina Gagarin with the composition A Million Voices. "This is the song of the world. This is a song of absolutely all people, children, old people, pregnant women. This song is just about love. And a million votes say about this - a Million Voices. They worked on it as Russian authors and Swedish. In general, I truly in love with it, "the performer told.

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