The singer Glory first took a three-year-old daughter to the dentist


In the life of the singer of glory a lot of worries besides the workers. So, for the first time in life, Anastasia Slanian took his youngest daughter to the dentist!

Impressions from the campaign to the dentist with Antonina Glory shared with subscribers in "Instagram".

"The first trip to the dentist !!! Katya Thank you so much, the first impression is a holiday !!! And not the fear for the whole life, as it was usually happening, "(spelling and punctuation of the author was preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - signed the artist photo, where her three-year-old daughter is completely calm It sits in a dental chair and something enthusiastically looks at the doctor. Apparently, the doctor explains the child what is to treat his teeth. And a three-year-old girl is absolutely not afraid of "evil aunt."

Dental doctor explains the daughters of the singer of glory. Photo:

Dental doctor explains the daughters of the singer of glory. Photo:

It seems that the treatment of dairy teeth in the babies passed quite successfully. It costs without pain and tears.

By the way, Glory has long been recognized that her little daughter is growing with a real genius. It is significantly ahead of the development of its peers. The girl easily remembers poems, knows the alphabet at heart and can even read in the syllables. In addition, the child has a good musical hearing and can exactly repeat the melody of the transfer of "good night, kids." True, the singer does not yet want to make premature conclusions about the abilities of the child, since a small tender is interested in many things. For example, she likes to mess with toy technique.

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