Sexual abstinence: dangerous or not


The topic is quite delicate, and there is no unambiguous answer to this question, as each person determines the quality and consistency of sexual life on their own. However, many psychologists are confident that the reduction in the frequency of sex contacts adversely affects the psyche and physical health.

The religious directions insist that abstinence has a beneficial effect on the spiritual development of man.

We decided to figure out what kind of points of view closer to the truth.

Women and men can earn the same mental disorders against the background of lack of sex contacts.

Women and men can earn the same mental disorders against the background of lack of sex contacts.


The benefits of abstinence

The first thing to determine is the benefit of the absence of sex contacts.

According to many scientists, the abstinence helps to preserve the energy needed to realize the potential of a person, for example, this savvy energy can be very useful in work projects, creativity or training activities. Perhaps you heard that artists and athletes are trying to refrain from sexual contacts before an important event that requires serious return.

There are more good reasons. Men should imagine the dust if their sex life proceeds too actively, as permanent sex acts lead to the development of mental disorders and even neurosis. In addition, frequent contacts affect the reproductive ability of a man: it simply decreases.

Women have problems with menstrual cycle

Women have problems with menstrual cycle


There is such a term as sexual abstinence, which means sexual abstinence. This condition implies a voluntary failure of sexual life associated with certain circumstances in a person's life. There are several types of this condition:

- Absolute abstinence involves a total refusal of intimate life.

- Partial abstinence allows masturbation.

Abstinence may not best affect your relationship.

Abstinence may not best affect your relationship.


Hurt from abstinence

If at a young age, the abstinence is a completely natural state and passes with age, then for an adult person, long abstinence can be a real problem with which only a specialist will help.

The main problem of abstinence in men is erectile dysfunction.

And what about women?

Women endure abstinence much easier. Especially good with the lack of genital ties, the body of the woman is coped after the climax and before the detection age.

As for the remaining age groups, the following changes may occur:

Regarding women of fertilous age, the following problems associated with abstinence may be observed:

- menstruation can proceed more painfully;

- Cycle can change, sometimes radically.

The myths include information that the lack of intimate life leads to the development of various tumors. Science This fact is not confirmed.

As for the psychological aspect, a long-lasting abstinence can introduce an easily excitable woman into a state of stress either to such disorders like nymphomania and all sorts of perversions in the sexual sphere.

For couples that are in a long relationship, abstinence may affect the cooling relationship. Partner may want to find someone on the side.

The main thing is to remember that at least sex and not the most important thing in life, but it is its integral part and one of the strongest natural instincts that requires your attention.

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