Antihake menu


Dangerous fell Popcorn beloved by many kinomans. It turned out that a fragrance was added to it, which, with frying, a diacetyl substance, toxically acting on the body. Doctors believe that diacetyl can cause lung cancer. Therefore, the popcorn is better not to abuse.

It is not desirable for regular use in food and canned products: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc. In factory canned food, it may be bisphenol-a. It is believed that it provokes the transformation of cells into cancer.

In the home preservation (pickles and marinades) contain nitrates that are poorly derived from the body and also play their role in the development of the disease. Even more smoked nitrates.

Cancers can also lead sharp bursts of insulin, which arise due to the use of sweets containing refined sugar. It is also harmful to carbonated water, buns from white flour of higher grade, hydrogenated fats and meat, which was prepared at a very large temperature (for example, on the grill) or on the open fire (kebab).

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