Cult actresses whose fate has been tragic


Alexandra Zavyalova

The Soviet actress, who remembered us along the roles in the films "Aleshkina Love", after which the proposals of the famous directors fell on it, "the shadows disappear at noon" and others. The woman was one of the most famous people of the USSR - the beauty was filmed for domestic and foreign magazines, invited to dinner dinners with members of delegations. However, the star of the actress in the sky quickly went out: the lack of demand in the case of her life after loud success plunged Alexander Zavyalu into a deep depression ending with treatment in a psychiatric clinic. After many years, the actress was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Unfortunately, it did not return to her with their own popularity. Woman lived his life side by side with her son in his apartment in St. Petersburg. "Peter can be good and intelligent, but as long as she does not drink," the actress spoke about the son. In February 2016, he was found killed - the court recognized Peter guilty.

Alexandra Zavyalova

Alexandra Zavyalova

Photo: Frame from the movie "Shadows disappear at noon"

Amanda Bains

Foreign actress, which many remembered on the films "She's" and "Love on the island" seemed to continue the successful career of zero. The girl, like many of the fame suddenly rising to Olympus, could not stand the pressure of success - she was addicted to alcohol and prohibited drugs. The directors refused to put up with the inadequate behavior of Amanda - the actress was more than once for driving driving, she hidden from the place of the accident, there was a conversation in public places with an imaginary interlocutor. Amanda Bains was sent by a court decision for compulsory treatment against dependence in the prestigious clinic of the city of Malibu. In a recent interview with Amanda, he stated that he intends to return to acting career, but most likely the way to glory was blocked by her past "outcomes."

Amanda Bains

Amanda Bains

Photo: Frame from the film "She is a man"

Natalia Kustinskaya

Beauty-actress from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession" Natalia Kustyanskaya was a sex symbol of the Soviet Union. However, the success of domestic spectators did not mean anything else: in his personal life, the woman was unhappy. For a short time, she changed six husbands - alone changed her, she changed her, finding new love. In marriage with Oleg Volkov, the son of Dmitry was born with the actress, who adopted her next husband Boris Egorov. Divorce with Egorov because of his betrayal, Natalia Kustinskaya experienced hard - began to drink, as a result of which diseases were aggravated. The death of a single grandson from cancer, and then - the Son with unexplained circumstances finally "submitted" the health of the former beauty. The last years of the act of life, the actress was seriously sick as a result of the spinal injury when falling in the bathroom - died, without leaving the coma.

Natalia Kustinskaya

Natalia Kustinskaya

Photo: Frame from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession"

Ekaterina Savinova

The actress, which we remember by the role of Frosy Burlegakova in the famous film "Come tomorrow," died no less tragic - rushed under the train, like Anna Karenina, the monologue of which Catherine read on the entrance exams in VGIK. The reason for such a deed was the long disease of the nervous system - even before the shooting of a cult film, a woman picked up a brucellosis infection, drinking a pair milk from which for many years was unsuccessful. Doctors could not diagnose in time, so the disease managed to complicate on the brain - schizophrenia developed. At the time of death, the woman was only 43 years old.

Ekaterina Savinova

Ekaterina Savinova

Photo: Frame from the movie "Come tomorrow"

Valentina Serov.

Women's first husband - Test pilot Anatoly Serov - died in 1939. In honor of him, the woman called the Son, whose fate ended no less tragic - he fell into a colony for minors, where he was addicted to drinking, and soon, after returning, he died. The second marriage of the actress with Konstantin Simonov, who dedicated her a touching verse "Wait for me", a friend, perhaps, to each of us, collapsed a couple of years after the wedding. Valentina Serov was seriously worried about the care of her husband from the family - began to abuse alcohol. The woman was found dead in her apartment in December 1975. It is known that a robbery was committed, but the circumstances of death remained unexplained.

Valentina Serov.

Valentina Serov.

Photo: Frame from the movie "Four"

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