Anna Brzhedugova: "Anthony Hopkins taught me a lot"


Anna Bzcessagova is a successful model and actress. In 2019, won the Miss Russian Los Angeles competition in California. After studying at MGIMO, Anna Brzhedugova entered the school whether Strasberg in the United States. Now lives in America, actively participates in the shooting. Contrary to conversations on how the Torny way of the model on world podiums, Anna proves an example: can be achieved by world recognition without larger connections and impressive financial investments.

- Anna, tell us how you came to the model business? It is considered: to become a well-known model, you need to have not only talent, but also funds. Or links (including sorry, bedding). Tell me how everything happened to you?

- I dreamed of becoming a model from the young age. On the Internet began to learn about the castings. When I was 15, I first went to casting - it was the Miss Moscow contest. Well, then it was enough for any opportunity. At school and the institute participated in photo shoots from friends and designers. At the age of 18, I decided to go to Casting Miss Russia, but I began to professionally engage in modeling when I moved to America. At 21 I signed a contract with the model agency, began to be filmed for covers and brands. Funds have nothing to do with the case. If the girl has natural data and charisma, then she will achieve everything. But in the inverse situation, if someone has funds, but there is no raisin, then the money will not help here. When I moved to America and went to the Miss Russian La contest, we did not require any money. I won the victory honestly, my talent, so on my example I can prove that the funds in this area are absolutely not important.

- And what qualities should the model be posted to get to the podium or become the face of the world brand?

- All the same thing - first of all, charisma, and also - individuality. Now the trend is going to the fact that everyone is interested in the inner world and the beauty of the girl's soul, no matter how much it sounds. These qualities are important even more than external parameters. Absolutely any girl can get to the podium and become a face of a brand, having a interesting story of life, self-confidence, a unique vision and a clear understanding of what you do it.

Anna Brzhedugova in 2019 won the Miss Russian Los Angeles contest

Anna Brzhedugova in 2019 won the Miss Russian Los Angeles contest

- Which of the famous fashion designers did you work? Which of them turned out to be the most "humane" - after all, there is a steady stereotype, which in the model world is all capricious and insidious?

- I worked with Dolce & Gabbana duet, I like their approach, their creativity, their style. They really sneeze women, they love Russian, very sincere, good and positive people. Each showing them is a real holiday of female beauty. From Russian designers I really like Julia Janin. She is a stunningly interesting woman, and her things that Julia creates with great love for their work, very beautiful.

- It is known that you were filmed in several films. What role did you get most of all?

- The biggest and interesting my role was in the movie NOW IS Everything with Anthony Hopkins. For me there was a lot of happiness to be with him on one set. Anthony Hopkins taught me a lot. He is a big professional, but at the same time it is very easily and ironically to our acting profession. When you see how it works, confidence appears. He is absolutely not a star man, a very open and sociable, kind man. We traveled to the film festival in Turin, because the director and his wife are Italians. After that, I fell in love with the Italian cinema and I hope for such projects in the future. In general, I have several "ideal" roles that I would like to play. I really like the heroine Grace Kelly in the film "Higher Society". I truly find out myself and would like to try in a similar role. I would also like to play a spy, I am a very sporty person, talking in three languages, it would be interesting to apply these skills in the movies. It would be interesting to play such a person who knows how to shoot from a pistol, ride a horse, dive to the depth of water. I want to play a militant, where there would be chase, persecution, shootouts, and of course, love.

Anna Brzcedugova not only works the model, but also filmed in the movie

Anna Brzcedugova not only works the model, but also filmed in the movie

- Would you like to play the theater?

- Yes of course. It seems to me that theatrical art, especially for Russia, is most of culture and history. Acting skills originated in the theater. I started my way in school productions, where we put Musical. This is nothing comparable feeling, a live moment and action when people sit in front of you. Before the camera, the same scene can be removed 50 times, and there are no doubles in the theater.

- It is known that you also have painting in painting. And this passion from where?

- I always painted how much I remember. Perhaps it was inherited, my mother is an architect, dad loved to draw. I was engaged in a drawing at school, in kindergarten painted in the fields in the notebooks everything was in my head. I never studied at an art school, sometimes took different classes in studios, but I did not have focused education in painting. She studied by samples and errors. Of course, visiting exhibitions very often. In any city of the world I try to find an interesting museum. One of their most beloved - Pompidou Museum in Paris. This is the center of contemporary art with stunning collections. The last time I was there in the fall, at Francis Beckon's exhibition - I really liked it. I can also celebrate the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. I love impressionistic painting very much. Their vision of the world, the transfer of paints and impressions is close to me. I also like to discover new, not very famous artists. In Miami in Art Deestict, exhibitions of modern artists from different parts of the world are held. Of course, one day I would like to collect the exhibition of your work and share a part of your vision with the world. Each time I will give part of myself, for me it is a great inspiration. I would like to see the reaction of people to my works.

Anna is sure that the secret of success in the model business is talent, charisma and individuality, and not money

Anna is sure that the secret of success in the model business is talent, charisma and individuality, and not money

- You live in America. Why did you choose this country?

"I like in America, I like the mentality of local residents." The mentality of openness, when you can always talk about everything, there is no taboo on some things - this applies to, for example, mental and mental health issues. I like the friendliness of people and a general positive charge, especially in California. We are very influenced by the weather, and it is much easier to rejoice in life when sunny. Here, in California, there is both the ocean and mountain relief. On one day you can go skiing, and swim in the ocean. I really like nature, lifestyle and health orientation.

- Now in America another quarantine. How is the usual day?

"My day on quarantine begins with a workout, I get up at 7 am and do." Until that moment when I need to do something at work, I try to spend your workout in the morning so that it would be calmly engaged in your business and not think about it. Then every other day, in a few days, I am engaged in Spanish. If there are some projects, I read scripts, prepare. If good weather - I go out into the street, bathe in the pool. I love to go for coffee and tea match. Since now I spend a lot of time at home, I decided to do it with arrangement. Last week, I often got to the store for the store for the relevant goods, in order to somehow embellish my apartment. In the evening I meet with friends, I just had a friend, we prepared dinner and watched movies. Before bedtime I try to read.

Now Anna Brzhedugova lives in California, but does not exclude the opportunity to return to Russia

Now Anna Brzhedugova lives in California, but does not exclude the opportunity to return to Russia

- To Russia, home, does not pull?

- Life is unpredictable, I am a spontaneous man and try to live today. I do not know where I will be in five years, a year, even in three months. I do not close any borders: if an interesting project is offered in Russia, I will be happy to go. In principle, I am a person of the world, at the moment, by virtue of study and your own goals, I am in America. I love Russia and do not deny the thought at all that I can return. It would be very interesting for me to work with Russian brands. Now there are a lot of Russian designers who represent high-quality and interesting clothes.

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