Youth without sacrifices: non-perjective mesotherapy - alternative "injections of beauty"


Most cosmetic ingredients deposited on the skin in the form of creams remain on the surface of the epidermis and do not penetrate deep layers. The reason for this is the special structure of the outer horny layer of the skin, which is designed in such a way that through it almost impossible to leak microbes and other harmful substances. After all, the main function of the skin is barrier and protective. However, to stimulate the growth of new cells, active ingredients need to "break through" to the level of the dermis. How to do it?

There are not so many ways for which any substances can go into the skin, as a rule, it occurs through the pores and hair follicles, but even in this case the size of the ingredients should be microscopically small. Therefore, manufacturers of modern cosmetics are trying to use various tricks - nanotechnology, liposomes, acids - which, acting in the role of conductors, help carry out important components directly to live skin cells.

When this is not enough, injections that deliver useful substances on the necessary depth are becoming the most obvious solution (from 0.3 to 5 millimeters). But each medal has a reverse side, in the case of injection therapy, it is painfulness, risk of bruises and long unproductive papules, the risk of infection and the probability of leaving fibrosis in the tissues due to repeated needle damage. Fortunately, such complications are rarely manifested, but still a certain danger exists.

For patients with sensitive skin, low pain threshold or contraindications to conventional mesotherapy Modern cosmetology offers a convenient alternative - a procedure at which the needles are not used, and therapeutic and rejuvenating cocktails are introduced through special physiotherapeutic effects. Most often for this are used:

Various types of formation (phonophoresis, electrophoresis), based on the impact of DC or ultrasound. At the same time, the beneficial substances located near the electrodes are disintegrated into ions, easily overcome the epidermal barrier and move under the action of the current into the intercellular space.

Electroporation, which includes several types of high pulse electrical current low intensity. As a result, ion channels are created in cell membranes, according to which active ingredients fall inside the cells.

To date, the electroporation is the most efficient, safe and comfortable technology that delivers materials directly into the cells and contributes to their accumulation there.

For comparison, laser mesotherapy is capable of transporting biologically active elements only to the space around the cells, but not inside them. In addition, with the help of a laser, not all cosmetic drugs can be administered. The electroporation does not have such restrictions, this system can work with specially cooked cocktails and with conventional mesotherapeutic drugs, it is only necessary to further use a gel conductor.

An important feature of the defective mesotherapy can be called comprehensiveness. During the procedure, the upper layers of the skin are full-fledged nutrition along with deeper levels, so the skin condition is significantly improved both from the inside and outside. Already after the first session, the face looks smoother, fresh and well-groomed. Whereas with an injection method, you have to wait for some time while the result is "reflected" on the surface of the skin.

On a note!

The procedures of non-millennial mesotherapy do not violate the integrity of the skin, therefore, they can be used in many chronic diseases, as well as when taking dangling drugs of drugs, with cooperose and acne.

How is the procedure

The non-perjecting therapy is considered to be a very comfortable procedure. It begins with removal of makeup, purification of the face and tonization. Superficial exfoliation of damage skin cells can also be carried out in order to improve the penetration of mesotherapeutic ingredients.

After that, the gel conductor is mixed with the chosen preparation and applied to the face. The hardware impact itself takes 30-40 minutes, and the duration of the entire session is a little more than an hour. Upon completion, the skin mask is used as a final chord, a napkin is applied, wetted in thermal water and left for 15 minutes on the face. Thermal water additionally moisturizes the skin and instantly gives it a feeling of freshness and softness.

To obtain a persistent effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of 6-12 procedures. In the future, you can conduct supporting sessions every 1-2 months.

For a week after the procedure, it is not recommended:

  • sunbathe on the beach or in solarium
  • visit the bath and pool
  • Making face massage
  • Pass hardware cosmetic procedures
  • intensively engage in sports
  • drinking alcohol

All of the above can contribute to the accelerated removal of the skin of the most delivered nutrients. It should be noted that after the procedure, the depot of active ingredients is formed in the tissues, the period of action is from several hours to 15-20 days. Therefore, the result of the oscillation of mesotherapy is increasing over time.

On a note!

Improfitable mesotherapy is indispensable for skin restoration after chemical peels, aggressive hardware, plastic operations. It does not injure the skin and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the fact that unrelated mesotherapy is a gentle technique, it still has some contraindications, although they are much smaller than the usual injection technique of drug administration. Among them:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • epilepsy
  • Blood coagulation disorders
  • The presence of metal plates and endoprostheses (dental pins and implants are not included here)
  • Cardiomimulators and rhythm drivers
  • Allergies to the components of the drugs used
  • oncological diseases

Choosing Elixira

Efficient mesotherapy is used to address the same cosmetology problems with which the usual injection technique works. She is:

  • Removes or reduces signs of aging - wrinkles, leather flabbing, pigment spots, dark circles and swelling under the eyes, gray face. Improves local blood flow, strengthens the production of own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Corrects extended vessels, fights with cooperose and red spots on the face, removes stagnant phenomena.
  • Beneficially affects the skin, prone to the formation of comedones and inflammatory elements. Normalizes skin production, naturally cleans and narrows pores, relieves redness and inflammatory process. Promotes the overall health improvement.
  • Accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration, contributes to the reduction of scars and scars.
  • Eliminates excessive sensitivity and reactivity of the skin.
  • Simulates the oval of the face, provides a pronounced lifting.

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