"Secret Materials" are returned to the screen


Following the return on TV screens of the cult series "Twin Pix", the creators of another popular multi-seater "secret materials" also decided to continue the story of their main characters.

"To the 13-year break, I treat as a protracted advertising pause, says the author of" secret materials "Chris Carter. - The good news is that since then the world has become even more strange. So now the right time to tell another six new stories. "

The shooting of the mini-series start this summer. The date of their release to the air is not yet reported. In the main roles of FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully will again be represented by David Glukovani and Gillian Anderson. Since the end of the series, the actors have repeatedly showed the desire to return in the images that they made them world famous.

Recall the premiere of the series "Secret Materials" took place in 1993. He lasted on nine seasons until 2002. In 1998, the first full-length film "Secret Materials: Fighting For the Future", which had a great success and branching at $ 66 million from $ 66 million, was released. The second full-length film "Secret Materials: Want to believe", published in 2008, was accepted by critics and viewers much worse: cash charges amounted to 68 million dollars at a budget of $ 30 million.

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