The doctor called the condition of returning Moscow to the "normal rhythm"


Alexey Mazus, Doctor of Medical Sciences, said that the main condition for the successful return of Muscovites to the "normal rhythm" is a clear understanding of how many people already have people with immunity to COVID-19. According to the doctor, the mass testing of people on antibodies can help in this matter.

The doctor also stated that the authorities could gradually begin to take acting security measures, and people with a formed immunity will be able to start working again.

"It is believed that the proportion of the population, immune to infection, should reach 60%. But we are dealing with an infection that, by different estimates, is increasing in three or more than the flu. Therefore, it is so important to know how many people have already gotten and gained immunity to her, "the words of Dr." Russian Gazeta "quotes.

"But it is important not just to build guesses and forecasts about the situation in the capital, but to have a rigid scientific substantiation, which will give a launched study. Only so the city can return to a more or less normal rhythm with minimal losses for Muscovites' health, "Masus concluded.

As previously known, writing free testing on antibodies will be available via the Internet.

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