Create the right image in social networks


There were those times when a page in social networks was a personal space where only the favorites had access. Today the social networks are firmly entered into our lives, some employers even require employees to account in one of the main networks.

We will tell you about what you can tell the world from your page, and what is better to teach, thereby avoiding difficulties and misunderstanding in communication.

Be kept in the expression of emotions

Be kept in the expression of emotions


It doesn't matter who you are and what: Pensioner, student, CEO of the Bank - You have a page at least in one of the social networks. The Internet gives the widest opportunities for self-realization to absolutely any person, everyone will find their audience.

It is important to remember that all that you have ever laid out in the network remains there forever. Even if you deleted post or tweet, it is stored in the cloud space and if the case can be used against you. Remember this if you don't want to "kill" your reputation one day.

Do not take an example from public individuals with a huge number of subscribers: it is absolutely not necessary to lay out the compromising photos from the passing parties. Remember, reputation is our all. If you are just looking for a job, such photos can play a joke with you, because employers look at your profile before approve your resume.

Check Privacy Settings

Check Privacy Settings


What should not tell

If you are not sure of the "restraint" of your page, create one more to look from the part of your account. There is a chance that you will see something that did not notice earlier, and then correct. In addition, you can hide some blocks on the page so that extraneous users could not see it.

It is important to constantly check confidentiality settings, as one of the most popular social networks "likes" to switch settings automatically, and what you may want to hide from the public may be freely access.

Let's summarize: Carefully treat the information you are going to share with subscribers, because it can play against you, and maybe, on the contrary, help in promoting or establishing the necessary dating. Do not ignore the people who write you with business offers (only if it is not quite inadequate people) maybe they will help you with some ideas in the future.

So, fundamental rules:

Control the content from which your page consists

Note that even a non-timely delivered likeness to some ambiguous photo can lead to sad consequences, because all your activity, and not only on its own page, but also in relation to other users, it is perfectly visible.

Carefully examine the profile of a person who "knocks" to you as a friend

Do not open suspicious links that unfamiliar people are sent to your private messages. Most likely, you are trying to hack. It is not easy to restore the page.

Everything that falls into the network remains there forever

Everything that falls into the network remains there forever


Do not express a stormy delight and sharp negative in posts and comments

Remember that the Internet is a playground, where people show their true face, without fear of punishment. One day, sprawling sharply, you can nourish yourself the enemies that bad rumors can spread about you.

Avoid critics

You can hurt a man very much without noticing. In online communication, we become sharper and straight, and therefore sometimes we can offend the one who does not deserve it.

Smaller talk about personal life

Use the social network site as a way to share interesting information, let both of your life, but still put the frames for which you will not come. It is especially not necessary to specify the location if you live in the area. No need to provoke a negative contingent.

Change format

No need to stick to the same type of posts or photos. Periodically post polls, communicate with the audience. Again, if you post only a photo, "dilute" your page text, and vice versa.

Smaller text

If you write not in the blog, no one will read the "sheets" of the text. It is important to briefly present the information so that a person does not scroll through your publication.

Check everything that wrote

Read the text again and carefully to accurately make a decision - you need to share it with the world or not.

Periodically update yourself about yourself

Life is changing, and your page in social networks should change with it. Perhaps you are no longer interested in some things, it means that it has time to delete this information from the "personal" block. The same applies to other editable fields.

Be competent and observe decency

If you do not see the interlocutor, this does not mean that it can be sad and treat him with disregard. He is the same man as you. In addition, absolutely unnecessary rumors can go about you, you will be extremely unpleasant in communication with a person, and that you do not need if you really take care of your reputation.

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