Water Detox: 3 Drink Recipe for Effective Cleansing


Summer is nearing, which means that for the next couple of months will have to adjust the diet and learn how to prepare vitamin smoothies and other detox cocktails. You can combine your favorite fruits and vegetables, however, we decided to collect the most effective combinations to create detox drinks based on purified water.

Citrus and cucumber

For all drinks we need a liter of boiled water, so prepare it in advance. Next, weching lemon, cucumber and grapefruit, which you can optionally replace on any other citrus, for example, on orange or lime. It is best to crush the ingredients in the blender, but it is also permissible to cut on the slices, and yet nutritionists recommend "to let juice" to achieve the maximum detox effect. We pour crushed citrus and cucumber with water and mix thoroughly. Before use, give a drink to breed at least 4 hours. Drink half a glass at a time.

Experiment with ingredients

Experiment with ingredients

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Apple and lemon juice

The drink helps to improve the metabolism, which is important when we need to get rid of toxins in a short time. In addition, the apple fights perfectly with fatty sediments, so it is worth adding a fruit into a diet and fresh in front of breakfast. Returning to our drink, we will need a little less than water - about 400 ml. - Purified apple and a tablespoon of lemon juice. All ingredients mix in a blender. To improve taste, you can add a pinch of cinnamon.

Kiwi, citruses and strawberries

There is nothing better than summer fruits that are associated with us with warmth and holidays. Among other things, strawberries greatly increases the mood. The drink has not only a pronounced detox effect, but also helps to cool in the heat and avoid overheating. We will need 1 kiwi, orange / lime and 10 strawberry berries. We do not grind everything in a blender, but simply cut into small pieces and poured a liter of water. Insist for about 4 hours and pour in glasses for the whole family.

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