Only trust and love: how to find a common language with a teenager


Parents who have always been close to children, nothing changes with adolescent age. It can become more irritable and stirrate to protect personal boundaries, but will continue to talk about his life to parents and share experiences with them. If you have serious problems, look deeper - it is often useful to go together to a psychologist who will arbitrate in the dispute. He studied the opinion of specialists about this.

Divide his interests

"What are you sitting there behind your computer, go better go!" - often tell children parents who are accustomed to that computer games are evil. You are wrong: now teenagers play online, where they can correspond with friends and get acquainted with new people. Few people now go to the street and meets friends there. Games - the same element of socialization for a teenager. This applies to other interests, whether it is a professional sport, painting or desire to read the whole world classics - talk with a child about what is interested in this lesson and why he pays his time.

Do not leave a child one

Do not leave a child one


Find a common hugging

Recall that you liked to do together when the child was younger - cook, care for the garden, ride bikes? Offer him to remember how it was healthy, and spend a few hours together. Behind the general occupation it is easier to start a conversation and open the interlocutor, as your view will be distinguished from the face of the speaker at this time, and therefore there is no place for the hesitation and try to deceive. Even if you do not find such a classes, come up with it yourself - you can make a family photo album, decorate a room for a holiday or sign up for a master class.

tell us about yourself

If you have never been shared with the child funny and shameful moments of childhood, it's time to tell about them. So he will understand that you were no better than him and will not hide from you the details of parties with friends or dates with your loved one. It was the fear of disappointing parents or to be convicted to make children hide a personal life from you. Speak with the child on the topic of personal borders and the fact that he is not obliged to inform you the details of his day if he wants to leave something in secret. Support it by offering to spend the next party at home or inviting friends to visit dinner.

Offer bring friends to visit

Offer bring friends to visit


Show approval

It is in adolescence that children begin to criticize themselves on trifles - this is a period of active mature through comparing themselves with other people. It seems to them that they are not beautiful, slender, smart, strong and further on the list. Do not forget to talk to children that you love them and proud of them, even if their achievements are still limited to a successful performance at competitions or an excellent assessment for the control in school. Make compliments when you see that the child is trying to dress up for a party. Suggest help with choosing a wizard on the hair and manicure if he wants to change the image. In general, try not to criticize Chado, but to keep it with a double strength.

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