How to punish a child without harm to psyche


Interestingly, almost every parent is confident that it correctly brings up his child. Even if the child behaves badly and does not listen, moms and dads are confident that the environment / school / friends are guilty - anyone, just not they. With the slightest misdemeanor, adults sometimes simply come out of themselves, often applying physical strength. Naturally, the child in such an atmosphere will certainly not grow up a full-fledged member of society. However, the child still needs to explain that sometimes he is wrong. So what about? Let's figure it out together.

Children will know the world and do not seek to destroy

Children will know the world and do not seek to destroy


No need to punish a child just like that

Usually, children will know the world and do it is not always correct: sometimes violate the personal space of other people or break things. It is not worth the key to push the child just for showing interest. Explain to him what he is wrong, and the next time he will surely think before doing something. Otherwise, the child can grow insecure. It is necessary to encourage activity and interest in the world around the world.

Detish the concepts of "Offer" and "Note"

It is very important here to properly come by an adult. There is a huge difference between "Maybe you play elsewhere?" And "do not play on the road." In the second case, you encourage the child to think about safety and not lose your head. Only if he dismissed your instructions, it is necessary to apply a sentence, but only just, without screaming and manual design.

Do not be overly emotional

Do not be overly emotional


No need strong emotions

Many adults should be controlled by everyone around, especially their children. Parents often impose on the child from expectations, but rarely when their expectations are embodied in reality. This leads to undisguised aggression from the parent. The child is beginning to coal and scold for the slope. Think about how an unstable psyche can react to your gross remark. You do not want your child to rose by a person completely without will and desires, which will obey more influential people without taking into account their desires?

Do not punish publicly

You can't imagine how confusing and annoys criticism in humans. Even an adult. A humiliating child is publicly, you thereby move his personal borders, show that you and other people have the right to divert it. Therefore, if the child did something wrong, take him aside and tell me why he is not right and what to do next time.

Do not swear, but explain

Do not swear, but explain


Hold promises

If you banned something to the child, it means that the ban lasts longer than a few hours. It is worth it for you to bother your baby at least once, as he starts to manipulate you, and then it will completely stop believing your threats. Be sequential.

Punish immediately or do not punish at all

There is a sewn "parent" rule: punish, forgive, forget. Remember that permanent punishments for the misconduct of the past lead to the development of various mental disorders. Act about the situation, if you have learned about misconduct, just say this question with the child and explain the consequences.

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