Sabina Akhmedova: "Solve and live with heart"


Sabina Akhmedova enters the top of the most recognizable and popular Russian actresses. Her path to success was consistent, progress. Having received theatrical education in Russia, the girl went to study in Los Angeles, to Lee Strasberg's film academy, starred in Siberia and Insomnia TV series. In the homeland, bright projects and the main roles came to her not immediately, but in each she found a way to develop themselves and their acting opportunities. It is important to be honest about how to be honest, be able to take myself and your features and to remain a "man of the world", - in an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

- Sabina, we live now in difficult times. How do you feel in self-insulation mode?

"I still do good enough, but for me I never had a problem to stay alone with me - there is always something to think about and what to do. It seems to me that now we are starting to understand that many things have taken as proper and not appreciated them. Especially difficult for me were restrictions in movements - I am an active person and traveling energy on trips. But I feel that in the current situation there is an opportunity to realize something important. When this happens at a collective conscious level - and not just one country, and the planets in general, it is definitely worth thinking. We must be extremely attentive to themselves, our inner world, this is the responsibility of everyone for their lives.

- What do you think the global tragedy should combine people?

- Certainly. We already feel it: although we are physically isolated each in your home, in our apartment, we are not disassembled. Countries provide each other humanitarian aid, people spread touching video into the network, arrange a flash drives, where they support the overall moral spirit, create volunteer groups. It seems to me that it is overcome by the division syndrome, which is peculiar to our generation. This trouble is touched by every person, regardless of the level of privileges or social status, all turn out to be in equal terms. We are connected with each other in a single whole, now it is extremely obvious - when decisions, the actions of each particular person have a direct impact on the lives of others.

Dress, celine; Earrings, Mercury

Dress, celine; Earrings, Mercury

Photo: Konstantin Khahaev

- You call yourself a man of the world. What do you invest in this concept?

- Lack of perception framework, discrimination on any basis. I am not just unusual, I'm on the other side of this. I would like to believe that someday we will come a little closer to living in a world where people appreciate each other in talent, skills, actions, not on social, sexual and national signs. Perhaps this understanding went out of the family: I have a multicultural family, liberal parents, besides, I started traveling early, and it also expands the framework of consciousness.

- Acting amplua "National Features" limits?

- Previously limited strongly. I started appreciating your individuality only with time. But during the time when I just came to a profession, much changed. However, the question of the type sometimes occurs. Alexey Chupov and Natasha Merkulov are rare directors who openly talk about the presence of xenophobia in our society. The Call Center project, in which I also took part, caused a huge number of visual responses. I am very close to the idea. Natasha and Lesha was important to create a multinational casting, which will honestly reflect society. When we walk down the street, we notice that we are much different, but, unfortunately, it does not find a proper reflection in culture, art, cinema. In our cinema there is a very big guy, there is a girl who is in love with another girl, representatives of the Caucasian world - every hero has their own story in which they face stereotypes and cruelty. In my opinion, this is a very important filmmaking, and it is necessary to raise these topics more often. I play the role of Gemma, she in the name of rescue the daughter is ready for everything and for the sake of it passes through the impossible. This role is just a gift, there are so many depths, volume and subtleties. Through it, I discovered myself again, this happens when the role is more than life, such a scale. There are changes in cinema, and I believe in talented and bold directions and actors who are able to break stereotypes - and already do it.

Sabina Akhmedova:

Swimsuit, SHAN (network "Estelle Adoni"); Pants, Loro Piano; sandals, premiata; Earrings, Marisofi.

Photo: Konstantin Khahaev

- began to watch the "Call Center" - a rather heavy story, in my opinion.

- Lesha and Natasha large authors, they created a phenomenal project, which intertwined a huge number of human manifestations, - it is very multifaceted. And it's incredibly difficult in such a genre to reflect all this. It was easy to ride in the "horror plate", thriller. But the task was not at all to scare the viewer, but in order to draw attention to the problem in such a bright way. Sometimes only powerful emotion can shake a person, bring it out of the comfort zone so that he began to empathize with others. And the fact that the ideator comes to the idea of ​​the creators of the painting, "comments that people leave are told about it. Many confessed that, despite the feeling of fear, they could not break away from the series that their stories would take deeply.

"In an interview, you said that already in the thirteen to fourteen years have accumulated such an emotional baggage, which was necessary to submilitate into creativity. Are you an emotional person or passed through personal dramas?

- Drama is in the life of each of us, it is the path of every person. But even if you did not survive some particular experience, you can always spend parallels. Of course, I am an emotional person and very susceptible, actually, this was determined by the choice of profession.

"You admitted that Eric Morris, who has studied at the Academy Lee Strasberg in Los Angeles, helped you cope with some complexes. Tell me what exactly bothered?

- I will definitely not go into details, it is very personal. But Eric just puts you in front of fear and does not allow you to move aside until you make an effort and you will not overcome them. And this is, of course, the process. He introduced us to the exercise system based on psychotherapy, which helps me and now. Without overcoming there is no development, I know exactly exactly. And every time I, finding out in the crisis, resting what is called, a forehead in the wall, I know that a breakthrough will follow. It's not a way to hide from the problem, it will not help, you need to work on it and pass through.

- I once helped the book Elizabeth Gilbert "Is, pray, love" ...

- I adore this movie, I did not read the book yet. I agree, there all major processes are very accurate. The main thing is not to resist internal change and give yourself time to go through the crisis, through pain. I still love the book Erich Fromma "Art Love." It causes the fundamentally to revise the idea of ​​love, that we mean by this, and that it is often not love at all. The book can be re-read infinite and always discover something new.

Dress, Dashali.

Dress, Dashali.

Photo: Konstantin Khahaev

- I understand that the fear of staying alone is not yours.

- Why? It periodically arises from me, like any normal person. Although I repeat, I have never been difficult to stay with you alone. As Mama says, I played alone very well, other children came, I included them in my game, then they left, I continued to play. Came - well, left - also good. (Smiles.) At the same time, I always wanted to have sister or brother. And periodically claw from friends in the garden "prescribed" with her brother, I needed a friend's presence.

- And the fear of being unclaimed in the profession is?

- Of course, I think, periodically he arises from all artists. The acting profession is really very dependent - no wonder many of my colleagues are trying to go into produce or director. There is a desire to form your creative life and shoot in high-quality cinema. I can not say that from the first steps in the profession I was lucky with the material, in this sense I was not spoiled, sometimes I agreed on the shooting, just to practice in the acting craft and not to lose skill. But in the last four years I am very pleased with the projects in which participated.

- Probably, "Content" is one of them, the rating series, which attracted the attention of the viewer. Although you said that this is a place of a story, which in the West is unlikely to be understandable.

- Not certainly in that way. I said that such a social phenomenon, as kenners, more trained in Eastern Europe. Women in the West, and especially American, ideologically standing on the other. Contents are those women who permanently live at the expense of men. It happens not from wealth, usually such a path choose a girl from disadvantaged families. Feminism automatically denies the existence of the contents. And, as it seems to me, in the near future feminism is not exactly threatened.

Blouse, Celine; Skirt, Massimo Dutti; Shoes, Philipp Plein (Vipavenue); earrings, marisofi; Ring, Mercury

Blouse, Celine; Skirt, Massimo Dutti; Shoes, Philipp Plein (Vipavenue); earrings, marisofi; Ring, Mercury

Photo: Konstantin Khahaev

"Do you think women are more dependent psychologically?"

- It is impossible to say so unequivocally. We have a huge amount of strong women, and always it was. Remember, about the horse and burning hut? (Smiles.) But at the same time the patriarchy is still developed. I would even say that the presence of a man determines your status and social weight. Unmarried woman, especially after thirty-five years, perceived by the environment ambiguously. Everyone does not seek to ask: what's wrong? I want a family, but I never focused on a generally accepted opinion. I can not say that I don't care at all the topic of loneliness. But I begin to pay attention to it and ask yourself any questions not because it requires a society, and when there is my personal need.

- It is very difficult to find yourself someone in the shower.

- Yes. Maybe because I am an idealist, and I want to meet the person with whom I will be happy in every sense. But the relationship is a job, and bilateral. According to his own experience, I understood that the most important thing is to be honest with you and partner. Feelings can go through, change, and the only thing I'm waiting for from a person and from myself - this courage to openly talk about it.

- Apparently, the more bindings arise, the harder. The feelings passed, but the apartment is already taken to the mortgage, and two children.

- Speaking of honesty, I mean not what you need to honestly cut the ends, but to discuss the problems that have arisen. And then another question is: whether a person will hear you if he will take something or not. Of course, if the overall life is built, you make certain efforts to preserve the Union, and for this it is just necessary for honesty. It is not necessary to lure the problems and hope that they will dissolve themselves, it does not happen. I always helped me honest conversations. It is absolutely impossible to put up with the feeling that you feel bad in a relationship, live with it.

- What do you think "love boat" can break about life?

- Life can be a test for a relationship, if you do not pay attention to each other, your needs and needs of another person. Feelings are like a separate organism that must be fed. In fact, I do not do a lot of life. I am responsible, but I can not assign himself to accumathers, which are all laid on the shelves and flowers. Not looked at it.

- Is the model of financial dependence on a man acceptable for you?

- Yes, if this is my man and he is ready to take responsibility. I do not see anything crazy. But it is important for me to earn and keep your money. I would not want to be in a situation where I do not have my income so that something in my life was motivated by the need.

Sabina Akhmedova:

Trench, Namelazz; Swimsuit, SHAN (network "Estelle Adoni"); necklace, marisofi

Photo: Konstantin Khahaev

- Did you change with age to comfort, maybe there was an interest in beautiful things?

- I can not say that I envy them. Comfort is important - yes. Especially homely. But for this I do not need huge spaces and luxurious tapestries. This is definitely not mine. I love the comfort so that everything is close and warm. And I easily adapt to the circumstances, so that the lack of beautiful things is definitely not afraid of me.

- When people are from one sphere, they understand each other better. Are you important for your chosen one to be a creative person?

- Yes, but it does not have to be a creative profession. It is more important for me that in the man itself there is this energy - depth, curiosity, liveliness and some kind of light adventurism.

- Sabina, you do not tell about a personal life, but what you are not married to ...

- Means that I am not married.

- There was no one hundred percent confidence that it was for life?

- It should not be for life. Just did not meet a man for whom I want to marry.

- And the example of the parent family is ideal for you?

- in something yes. But, I confess, I have not seen a single absolutely perfect example of the family. People are difficult creatures, do, as they know, love, betray, fight, and it is often ugly, but there is beauty in this. I needed time to realize it. Previously, I wanted to correct something in myself, others so that everything fell into place as a puzzle in mosaic. A lot of heads in this. And it is necessary to decide and live with heart.

- Do you have a place of power, where the heart turns on, where do you feel just in harmony?

"I try to find it inside, rely on myself." It does not always work, but it is important for me to approximate, find in yourself. It seems to me that the main place is there. And the place where was born. I recently visited my hometown Baku, where there was not for more than twenty years. And experienced a strong feeling. As if you return something big to yourself.

- There is such a saying: my house is my fortress. And how would you determine what kind of house means for you?

- I will not call him a fortress, I don't want to think about defense. (Smiles.) This is my harmony, the place of restoration of forces, rest. I have bright interiors, which visually increases the space. Such Italian-French style.

- You yourself have been designing?

- I was very helped by the designer, we discussed the ideas with her, she painted the sketches, helped embody my ideas. There are women who really like to equip the house, I come to it without fanatism, but some things that create comfort, I certainly have. I bring signs of signs from trips, which cause certain emotions, memories. While there is no art in my house, I want to hang pictures. But there are photos, in the living room photo of my father and grandfather. I love book very much, I have a small library collected, and now it has the opportunity to read. Recently, I read more scenarios and really missed the artistic literature. There is a vinyl player that my friends gave me, and I now buy the plates.

- I heard your compositions on the Internet, it turns out that you are so cool performed jazz! And when did your passion for music begun?

- I was always Meloman. I was clinging the powerful inner energy of jazz, cooler. And the great vocalists, of course: James Brown, Nina Simon and Etta James. It began with the time of the institute when we chose a musical material for exams. In jazz, blues, folk-rock I find a life charge for myself, the promise that I am close to me.

- did not think about paying more attention to music?

- I have a jazz band, periodically we spend in clubs and in closed events. We are picky in this sense. I want to see the audience asking who appreciates and loves this genre. Music gives me great pleasure. I think that I will periodically write tracks - if people like it, absolutely definitely do it and share. But I do not have plans to wipe on something big, produce albums, build a singer career. I am not exactly interesting for me - I love my profession too much.

- By the way, you can already calculate some kind of project success formula?

- No, it is impossible to calculate, the success of the project is generally unpredictable. There are some fundamental pillars: a talented director, interesting material, partners, professional team - and try to rely on it. But sometimes it turns out that all components seem to be good, but the result disappoints. As a result, you watch movies and understand what happened not at all what you expect when was in the shooting process.

- It's a shame at such moments?

- Sure. I'm a fan. And this is a difficult profession, requires large emotional, mental, physical costs, a lot of strength and energy - and sorry when you eventually get frustrated from the project as a whole. But over time, you still begin to be easier to treat everything, let go of the situation, otherwise you can just go crazy. Perhaps I have one formula - whether I have a heart specifically to this story.

Sabina Akhmedova:

Jacket, Maje; Swimsuit, SHAN (network "Estelle Adoni"); belt, gucci; Treads, Rosbalet.

Photo: Konstantin Khahaev

- You arrived from Los Angeles, you wanted to apply knowledge in practice, but there were no decent sentences. And when did you feel that a qualitative breakthrough occurred?

- For a long time, this was divided into me: the knowledge gained and the ability to accumulate them to work. I think, a high-quality leap occurred during the filming of the "Golden Horde", where I played a wife Khan Kekhar, and I associate it with my own personal growth. Over the past three years, I was actively starring enough, many of these projects just go on screens. But I can not say that I am in the hellish workflow. For me, it is important if you can not compromise with you and not reduce the bar.

- Expression: The goal justifies the funds - not about you? You will not go to dubious adventures to get a good role?

- Of course not. This is a matter of purpose. What I'm trying to achieve, in such a way for sure not to achieve. I must have internal satisfaction from what I do.

- If you compare you the current and twenty years ago, now you like yourself as a person?

- It seems to me that there are some unchanging things, the main qualities that were in me and in youth. The fears of some more, some less, but now it is more comfortable with me than ever. It is important for me to take my drawbacks. To start just honestly see them. Do not bite yourself constantly, to stop your own manifestations, trying to cut out some other, perfect person. This is dangerous. The adoption and its dark side is what seems negative, for me - the path to joy and peace with yourself.

- Do you reward yourself for success?

- Not that award. Just make more often what I feel good. It may be pleasant travel, and your favorite cosmetic procedures, maybe a small gift is that I will give me pleasure at the moment. But in general, it seems to me that the secret is to notice not only major successes, but also to see a small too. In small, simple things, the largest magic is hidden, there is a whole life.

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