Ksenia Borodin will become a designer


TV presenter Ksenia Borodin, inspired by the new love, continues to surprise fans. The star decided to try himself in the new role: Ksenia will become a clothing designer, which she announced on her page in the social network. It is curious that the leading "House-2" intends to attract their fans to the joint work.

Borodina published a photo in a beautiful dress, which, apparently, was done by her sketches. "My dear! Today I want to share with you the news that is very important for me! I do not hide that I am very worried and I need your support. After all, the fact that I have long dreamed of doing and now finally decided - invented exactly for you! A new brand of stylish clothes for youth will appear very soon ... The brand will include a collection of women's clothing, as well as children's clothing ... I will present you clothes of different directions: casual wear, clothes of lackers segments, creative models and family bows. The pricing policy is designed for a wide audience. Given my love for your fans and fans, I will constantly attract talented, creative people, giving everyone the opportunity to work in the same team with me on the development of the brand. On the social page. Networks and the company's website will host contests and promotions. And now I declare the first contest !!! We need your view on the logo ... How do you see it? ... And with the winner, I will personally meet the prize! I love you very much, I trust you and want your piece to take part in creating my brand clothes! After all, wearing it to me and you "(the spelling and punctuation of the author is preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - signed the picture of Ksenia.

By the way, before that she had already had the experience of cooperation with another brand, but it was not her exclusive clothing. Now the Teediva decided on his own business.

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