Toxic beauty: How the serpentine poison is working in the leaving cosmetics


Probably, most of us comes to horror when mentioning snakes, but do you know how useful maybe it seems to be a terrible animal? Today we decided to talk about the serpentine poison, about his action in the composition of cosmetics and drugs.

A bit of history

The serpentine poison was widespread in ancient Rome, it was believed that the tool could fight such serious diseases as black pieces and leprosy. The poison was not used in a pure form of fear to obtain poisoning, it was added in the tincture, but mostly used externally.

Greek women used a snake secret to create tinctures for baths, but masks and especially creams then knew. Moreover, it was believed that the poison must certainly be fresh, and therefore in some homes even breeding snakes were practiced in order to obtain a precious poison for beauty.

Today, the serpentine poison did not lose popularity. Experts collect poison in the main selected species of snakes, for example, the poison of Gurza or Cobra, but the most popular poison of violent ordinary remains. In addition to the pronounced cosmetic effect, the serpentine poison helps to fight rather serious diseases, such as cardiovascular, diseases of the joints, and is also used to prevent brain disease.

What is the composition of poison?

The main active substances in the composition of the poison - polypeptides and complex proteins. Let's look at the main elements in more detail.

Polypeptides. - Amino acids, one of the main properties of which is to lower blood pressure and stimulation of the heart.

Enzymes. Snake Yade contains more than a dozen enzymes, which represent a real danger even for an adult of a large physique, but only if the concentration of enzymes in the blood will be too high. In drugs, enzymes are used in weak concentration, as a rule, we are talking about painkillers.

Proteins. Most often used to create cosmetics, namely, Vaglerin-1 protein, which serves as relaxant. Muscles relax, and therefore wrinkles appear later.

It is important to take into account that the use of serpentine poison in pure form is categorically prohibited.

The poison is used as an active ingredient in skin care products.

The poison is used as an active ingredient in skin care products.


What is the effect of the snake poison on the skin?

As we have said, the use of poison is not possible, even if the procedure is conducted by a specialist. As a rule, cosmetologists use an essence or extractor, which serves as the basis for the preparation of wrinkles. After the course of the procedures, the cell regeneration is improved, the top layer of the dermis is updated, the effect is similar to the use of retinoids. Wrinkles are gradually becoming less noticeable, however, for the complete disappearance of drugs based on the serpentine poison is not enough. The blood circulation is normalized, thanks to which the complexion becomes uniform and the skin is slightly lit.

Is there any contraindications?

Despite all positive qualities, the poison can be dangerous even in a diluted form. In which cases it is worth refraining from the use of "poisonous" cosmetics:

- Pregnancy and lactation.

- diseases of the kidneys and liver.

- Tuberculosis.

- impaired psyche.

Be careful.

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