Maternity as a reason for development


Let's start with the fact that the appearance of a child, especially the first - this is stress for a woman. To learn how to care for the baby, choose things for him, toys, comprehend the rules of the feeding, requires huge mental efforts.

In addition, the child is a person with whom it is impossible to plan anything. You might want to go for a walk, but the child Zakaprisnissed and refused to dress. Or you dreamed of putting a baby to sleep, and he decided to adversely all the quiet hour. Stress resistance in maternity leave is much more active than at work.

Even if all his life was quieter of water, below the grass and did not like to take responsibility for solving problems, becoming a mother, you can not get out of it. To begin, you will have to independently determine which changes in the state of the son or daughter require a doctor call, and which themselves will be held. Then you will have to choose a kindergarten, school, tutors. The indecision of the place will not remain.

Despite the fact that conversations for professional topics in your life will be less, you will become a guru of belief. To persuade a one-year-old child to eat a pumpkin puree is the highest pilot.

And of course, your emotional intelligence will reach unprecedented heights. You will understand from half aim aim to your baby, whereas dad and grandmothers, before guess what he demands, would have tried a lot of options.

Thus, motherhood is the time to develop a woman in various directions. Yes, for your success, you will not get a new position or increase a salary, but with a competent approach will acquire features that will help you be a great mother, and after returning to work - a successful specialist.

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