Maria Gevorgyan: "If I feel that something is wrong with me, I go singing your favorite arias"


Our opera school has grown a huge number of stars of classical music. Maria Gevorgyan, despite his youth, is among those who have already loudly declared themselves. Today in the Mary's all-service list - participation in the international festivals of Vissi Darte, "Opera Empire", the Sakharov Empire Festival, the Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich and many others.

- Maria, why is still opera music? After all, the same pop or even jazz is much more accessible, and opera art - a few elite ...

- In fact, everyone who watches my creativity, know that I fulfill not only opera music, especially lately. I gladly sing a classic stage, musicals. Of course, my main profession is an opera singer. Classic me closer in spirit. When I had to choose between the pop and classical music, I understood that the opera is closer to me. In Opera, I found myself.

It can be said that opera art - the embodiment of my inner world. It is my harmony and inspiration, a source of joy and strength. It has long been noticed that classical music has a therapeutic effect. If I feel that something is wrong with me, I go to do - sing your favorite aria from the operas and classic operetta. It heals me from Handra and poor well-being.

- Your family in childhood supported your passion for music? Or did you have any thoughts regarding your future?

"When I was small, my mother saw that I love to dance, sing, interested in music, and therefore at a fairly early age led me to a music school so that I continue my development there. At that moment, she did not think at all that the music would become my destiny. And when I decided to go to the music school, my parents did not perceive this news with delight, as they understood that this was a difficult profession. I was not immediately supported in my choice. One of the alternative was the profession of a doctor, I wanted to go to surgery. But music tightened! Ultimately, weighing everything, the parents went to meet me and were always next to me, supporting me in all endeavors. When I entered the university in Moscow, my mother flew with me, was there, when I passed the entrance exams, in the literal sense, the word was standing under the college windows at the Moscow State Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky and listened to the speeches of all applicants.

- If you had the opportunity to start a life at first, what profession would you choose?

"I would not change anything, I would choose my today's profession." I love what I am doing, I get pleasure from it. Yes, and in the rest, everything in my life suits me. Probably, I was lucky - and with the profession, and with my family, and with my friends. The only thing I would have changed a little, so it devoted more time to dance art and foreign languages. In general, I believe that it is impossible to stop learning. Therefore, I am glad to reserve a new one, I openly discover unfamiliar faces of already known classes. Life gives such a variety of choices that they have to regret only about the shortage of time.

- Would you like your children to go on your footsteps? Do they show talent in your field, or how do you just want to send them to it?

- My daughter Eve is still too small, but when I rehearse, diligently sinks. But the eldest one with us successfully engaged in the Domisolka Children's Theater - sings and dances. This year Alice finishes the music school in the class of piano, engaged in vocals and even learned to play flute. Together with the younger sister, they gladly dance in front of the camera on the phone. I believe that any child for harmonious development needs to be engaged in music. If my children want to choose music as a profession, I will not mind. But insist on this, to force them, I will not, because this sphere needs to go with love, really burn - only then everything can work out. For us with my husband, the main thing is to raise good people from them, give them the opportunity to get a decent education, motivate to try their hand in different areas so that they are not limited to choosing a profession and were able to find themselves.

- What does the word "success" mean for you? Is it possible to achieve it, or still a person will initially be born successful? Or is it a permanent work and achieving certain goals?

- depending on what we invest in the concept of "success." For the opera singer, success is to sing on recognized world scenes, such as the Metropolitan Opera and La Rock. This means to achieve the highest point. For other artists, success is to perform everywhere and a lot to be recognizable by the public. For football players - conclude a contract with world grandfather, such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United. For a teacher at school - when 20 years after graduation, graduates come to their teacher on the day of the meeting. So the concept of "success" for each of its own. The most important thing is to choose the scope of activity for yourself, to understand exactly where you want to achieve success, and go to him. No one is born successful! If you lie on the couch, it is definitely not threatened to become successful. No wonder there is a saying: "Without difficult, you can't catch and fish out of the pond." For a fisherman to catch fish - this is also a success, for which you can spend a single hour on the shore with fishing rod. Success is, first of all, diligence and work.

- What do you do when not on stage?

- I really enjoy cooking. This is our family gift - my mom and grandmother have always been perfectly perfect. In the kitchen - my world. I turn on music or audiobook and enjoy the process of cooking some kind of dish.

Some hobbies are incomprehensible to me or beyond - for example, I could not draw a picture or create a sculpture, but I am pleased when there is free time, I am doing quilling - I do postcards, notepads and albums with your own hands, I love to knit.

"You're still like more in sports, love football - an unexpected choice, say straight." Why suddenly?

- Football, like other sports, was interested in me for a long time. I have always followed the successes of our national team at large tournaments - such as the World Championship or Olympiad. But I have never had a favorite team for which I really sick. The husband and the eldest daughter have long been sick for "Spartak", but I only in 2016 first hit the big stadium and immediately - on Derby with CSKA! I incredibly liked the game itself, and "charges" of cohesive fans of Spartak, their sincere emotions, the intense experience and the joy of victory - it could not leave me indifferent. Watching the game, I felt that Spartak was a team close to me in spirit, my team! To understand whether you love football, you need to come to the stadium and see the live game. It conquered me.

"Although now quarantine, and all life seems to froze, but a pandemic will soon end. What are creative plans for the near future? How do you please your fans?

- The first thing that stands in terms of when we leave quarantine - this is the premiere of the musical "Don Juan. Unpassed history. " I hope that soon we will return to work and let our performance. Also looking forward to whenever our performances will resume in the Moscow Opera House (mod), where I fulfill the main women's parties in the immersive productions of the "peak lady" and "Iolanta".

- After graduating from Quarantine, life will return again in its direction, will turn it out and wrapped. Again there will be a lot of work. Tell me, how do you manage to combine work and family? And what is in your understanding "Family happiness and harmony"?

- Combining work and the family sometimes it is not easy, especially during the rehearsal process, which requires a lot of time. But I always have a family in priority. Therefore, it happened to abandon roles if they envisage the long lack of a house due to tour. Family happiness is a harmonious relationship in which, in addition to love, there is respect, support, mutual understanding of people who have a common look at the development of the family. This happiness is to meet such a close man who will become the most important, relatives. I wish all readers who have not yet found my destiny, meet it, but those who have already gained happiness, appreciate and protect it.

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