Vika Bonya: "My latter I concluded a deal"


Victoria Bonya is one of the brightest girls in our show business. However, the fair itself admits that the path to obtaining perfect appearance was quite a thorny. The actress shared with the readers of his experience on himself.

- Victoria, do you remember your first experiments to improve appearance?

"The first thing I wanted to change in myself when I was sixteen years old and I just arrived in Moscow," this is my teeth curves. " My teeth were always white, big, they are very beautiful by themselves, but they were very very curves. (Laughs.) And I wanted to always correct this error. I remember when I already had such an opportunity, I came to orthodontist, sat in a chair, and he told me the following: "You need to remove four teeth." It was about the teeth who go beyond the fangs. He said that I have big teeth, therefore there is little place in the mouth. They say, without it, they will not be able to align a smile. I imagined four straight teeth into the whole mouth, but at the same time I thought: well, no, I will not give my own teeth to delete! She said that he did not agree. But for me, beautiful teeth are a dream, so, of course, it was very difficult to make such a decision. But I accepted it and did not regret anyone, because a little later I found an orthodontist who put braces without removal. I was then 20 years old. And already after time, I found a specialist who said that the distance between the teeth just need to expand and remove the wrong axis. And just recently they removed braces, and I achieved the smile about which I dreamed about many years ago. Notice how I went to this question: without giving chop from the shoulder, but extremely extincting every step. And this story I took 20 years of painstaking work without a fuss. So beauty needs to do with the mind! Many, though, think now that I have inserted teeth or veneers, but it is not. I have such teeth from nature, there is not a single crown, not a single veneer.

- Perhaps every girl behind the shoulders have experience with food experiments. Have you ever sat on a diet?

- There were experiments in my life and with food. You know, I can say myself: "Everything, I drink water or tea." And drink water or tea. I can not eat three or even four days. I just put myself a goal and achieve it. And at this moment there is still a job on yourself. You understand how strong you are, and for me it has always been interesting to know how strong I am. Because when the food is wins above you, you understand that it is insignificant to its weaknesses and dependencies. I did not have a sad experience of weight loss, fortunately. One of the main features of my character with which I was born or may have brought up, it firmly go to my goal. I try raw foods every year in summer. This is not a diet, but it is a terrific opportunity to unload your body, clean it. All products are not undergoing heat treatment, but at the same time you feel the tide of the strength. True, raw food is not suitable for everyone.

- Sports loads - is it about you?

- I do sports when I have time. Now has been practicing breathing practices that share in the instagram. I go to another level of awareness of my body, acquaintance with my body. I am 40 years old, and now it is the age when my body is no longer younger and will not be held at the expense of youth and simply genetics. Now the fiction process begins, and my task is to give even more opportunities to maintain the beauty of my body.

Cold will help the model to work on themselves daily, even if she doesn't want at all

Cold will help the model to work on themselves daily, even if she doesn't want at all

Press service materials

- Now many try the so-called genuine, vegetarian cosmetics, how do you feel about similar new items?

"Let me be thrown by tomatoes on those who use vegan cosmetics, but I believe that this is a little bit by delirium, although, of course, everyone is free to choose what he wants. I do not use vegan lipstick, although I tried it, she is good, I just choose cosmetics that suits me. Basically, all cosmetics for me is the one that I like exactly the texture, smell, color and everything else. Moreover, the cost is not always equivalent to quality, so all expensive cosmetics are suitable for me. In addition, I accounted for a huge number of world stores and did not find lipstick, which would go to me on the texture: either it is too dense, or is dry, or the color is not that. So I decided to create my lipstick, and they like me madly, these are lipstics of two colors.

In general, some care products can be made by themselves, at home. For example, there is a very cool agent - a face mask that has a lifting effect. It instantly erases five years of age. You need to take a yolk, a tablespoon of oil that you like to use for the face (I use avocado oil), and a spoonful of potato starch. You can add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix in a homogeneous mass and apply on the face for 2 minutes. The mask is frozen and gives a lifting effect, it's just a bomb.

- It is no secret that in cosmetology you are very well versed. Tell us about your relationship with similar specialists?

- I can say that it is very important to find the right cosmetologist - it is 90 percent of success. There are a lot of amateurs today who think they know, and they know nothing. I tell you like that person who flew around the world. I had the opportunity to take advantage of the services of the most top specialists in the world, who have a disposable injection procedure on a person costs 10-15 thousand dollars. But I, too, can not afford to constantly make injections, because it is expensive, and bears consequences in the future. Although there is one cool cosmetologist in Los Angeles, who made me asymmetry, made a frame, so I finally disappeared the consequences of what I knew in Russia: nasogubki and cheeks that rose up.

- You are actively engaged in the face gym. How long have you been trying to try Facebilding?

- I began to deal with Facebilding after noticed that I had a line along the ear - wrinkle, fold. I realized that the face began to settle, and I did not agree with it. And I also disappeared the contour of the neck and chin. I started just hysteria, I was not ready to go on operations and suspenders. In the end, it began to search for technicians who would correct this situation, and it took me a year. I collected the exercises on the grains. For example, Japanese technicians, Arabic, from India. It was engaged in doing, and this fold near the ear went instantly. I just found a cool massage called a "tendon helmet". We massive not only the face, but also the head. The tendon helmet holds our muscles, the face does not preserve. Hence the effect of lifting. Or, for example, to remove nasolabial folds, you need to work on a steam muscle that raises the upper lip and goes to the eye. But it is difficult to explain it, I can only show. And then not everyone immediately turns out, even looking at me. So now I just make facebilding for the face, I myself developed a course for each part of the face and body. I have a 25-minute lesson for eye, for example. This is all jewelry. I can say that the most difficult exercises are on the cheekbones, and the fastest result is on the neck. And I found a gorgeous course that I share in Instagram, where I demonstrate all recipes: Even the head massage and massage of the face so that the skin was beautiful and touched.

Thanks to Facebilding, Vika Bonya was able to restore the beauty of his face without surgical interventions

Thanks to Facebilding, Vika Bonya was able to restore the beauty of his face without surgical interventions

Press service materials

- In trying to improve appearance you can spend almost all my life. Have you learned how to take yourself now, stopped this race?

- Yes, I accepted myself and my little flaws, I love myself a long time ago. When I get better and see the folds on the stomach or on the sides, they like me. I touch them: My fatty folds. (Smiles.) I just know how quickly my folds are transformed into the tightened figure. Therefore, I first grow them, and then I go plowing: two weeks - and the result is obvious. If there are no hormonal failures, then I believe that the girl can not lose weight only because of laziness. Laziness, by the way, I also have, but I concluded with her, and she was with me. So we work with my laziness. (Laughs.) I give my pink, even if I don't want to go anywhere. I get up on the step, hesitantly, after 20 minutes I have the first Hispin, I immediately want to work more. Then I can not stop and 2 hours Pasha in the gym.

In general, if the girls do not like their appearance, let them turn to me - let's see what can be done. Someone needs to lose weight, someone - get better, to pull someone. If, for example, you need to remove water from the legs, which accumulates there, you obviously do not need to run - your feet will bloom even more. You just need to drink a lot of warm water, in a glass - it is so much absorbed at a time. One glass drank, after half an hour - another glass. It will start running your lymph. And you need to run around the steps down: Climb on the 15th floor - and go down, it's a good drainage.

The main thing is that I want to say to all girls: many things can be done at home, without a gym and without money and expensive cosmetologists, priests. The same peeling that costs 10-15 rubles. There would be a desire - and the result will be!

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