Great Art: Stars that Italy presented to us:


We love Italy not only for excellent cuisine, stunning beaches and architectural masterpieces, but also it is also impossible not to note the cultural figures that this sunny country presented to us. Today we will recall the three names who are familiar to every person in any corner of the world.

Leonardo da Vinci

There is hardly a person who has not heard about this amazing creator, the inventions and the works of which are known all over the world. Leonardo found two centuries - the middle of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth, was a bright representative of the Renaissance. Being a man who was passionate about, and Vinci was constantly in his thoughts, creating drawings, which centuries later applied his followers. In the healing of years, Leonardo managed to work as a military engineer, and also helped when creating canals in Italy. According to the drawings, Da Vinci built a bridge in Norway, and according to the "ideal city" project, which was previously rejected by Duke Moro, built in London.

One of the most significant works of Leonardo

One of the most significant works of Leonardo


Dante Aligiere

Another name that became one of the characters of Italy. The brilliant poet and the thinker who influenced the development of world culture, worked in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, thanks to the works of Dante, began to form an Italian literary language. The contemporaries of the poet emphasized that the works of Dante are distinguished by the grace, the atmosphere of love, are not deprived of philosophical reasoning and they can boast the complexity of images. When Dante himself was asked about inspiration, he simply answered that a woman instructed him for the poetic path, and more precisely his thrift feeling for her, which he shared in his works. If you still are not familiar with the work of the genius, we advise you to catch up as you can Rather.

Rafael Santia

Contemporary da Vinci and another genius of the world of art of Italian origin. On the formation of the personality and style of the artist influenced his teacher of Perugino, at the school of which he studied the young artist, by this time becoming a round orphan. A talented boy grabbed knowledge on the fly, among other things, to get the location of people around him helped friendliness, openness and charm. Thanks to his talent and ability to find a common language with everyone, Rafael received orders from the monarch of the monarch and never felt a shortage of attention and means, receiving assistance from influential customers and friends. An interesting fact from creative life: Rafael made a copy of the painting "Leda and Swan", the author of the original was a tender Rafael da Vinci, the work of Leonardo was not preserved, and I can admire the version of Rafael today.

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