Laura Keosayan: "With my parents I could talk about any topic"


Laura Keosayan is a continuer of the famous creative dynasty. Today she has more than thirty works in the cinema, the most famous of which "Gypsy with exit", "Sklifosovsky" and "Juna", where she played a healer. However, it cannot be said that relatives give a laure of the green light in the profession, good roles have to wait, and with Uncle, a famous director Tigran Keosayan, it is possible to work not often. Now - just such a case. About his new film, about what kind of power gives, than she is pretty wolves and why you want to feel yourself defenseless, the actress told in an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

- Laura, you confessed that in childhood your imaginary friends were wolves. Why? Not too friendly comrades.

"Well, firstly, I adored the" Mowgli "fairy tale, constantly asked Pope to reread her. He even began to invent some new stories about the boy, whom the pack brought up, because it was boring to repeat the same thing. I really liked the fact that wolves - the creatures are dangerous and strong, but at the same time devotees and with a sense of self-esteem. Probably, there was a formation of my character, and I felt some kind of internal addiction to these qualities. And Aquel was an embodiment of a proud, noble, wise being. (Smiles.) I can not say that I grew up an unavigible child, but my rich inner world and developed imagination allowed me a lot of time to spend alone with me. Probably, these games with imaginary friends seemed more expressive and colorful to me than those that I could lead with other children. By the way, the grandfather played me: did the form that he also sees this wolf. And when guests came, "he woked out" him in his office so that people would not be flooded. Of course, many jumped on this topic, but it was no matter how others treat it. And I still see dreams, which are somehow connected with wolves. The world of animals and their relationship are simple, truthful and correct. And they are not so cruel as people. No one specially torments each other, does not build a goat, does not betray. There is an instinct of survival, the protection of the family, the protection of the offspring. Until now, for me in this world, some charm lures.

- But you are not a lonely wolf? Do you need support?

- Lonely Wolf appears when she is born by wagins. They still cannot live according to the laws of the pack, so it is isolated with them for a while. Raises the kids to three months when they are already able to hunt on their own. So for a while I also felt like a lonely wolf. (Laughs.) Yes, and now I do not need a lot of people, I do not need to portray secular activity to feel the holiday - he is in my soul. Of course, close people are very important to me, friends. But the longer I live, all the circle. However, it is more comfortable for me than to show a false friendly relationship. Here I have a book in the bag, and as long as I will wait for my daughter from school, I can perfectly spend time reading.

Laura Keosayan:

In the cult film Edmond Keosayan "Elusive Avengers" Father Laura also played a small role

Photo: Personal archive Laura keosayan

- Very rare phenomenon at current times: a book, not a phone, no social network.

- I'm struggling with myself. Sometimes I catch myself on the fact that I start reading the book, and then you are distracted by the phone, I go to the social network to see what's new with friends, and hang there for half an hour. I can not read e-books, I like the rustling of pages, the smell of typographic paint. I remember, in childhood, when I had a new book, I first sniffed it. (Laughs.) This also has something animal. Then I started to consider it - first the last leaf, then the title is that I have a ritual.

- Did you like to read the family?

- Perhaps, at first they were also forced to read how I would now, but I do not remember that. My first impression of books is the Grandfather Library, which he collected, already being an adult man. He did not have a family nest with a library, which is inherited, so he created his own - from the fact that he once read, loved. He stunningly spoke in Russian. He had congenital literacy, he wrote without mistakes, although he did not know the rules of spelling. It was from him for the first time he heard about Gogol, whom he adored, although he did not approve nationalist manifestations, but he believed that genius should not be judged. I could not agree with him in something, and Gogol does not apply to the number of my favorite writers, but I understand what greatness is in the literature. And I can distinguish a good book from bad. It doesn't matter what kind of genre: historic novel, or fantasy, or lyrics - if the thing is good, there is some kind of special energy from it. I fall in love with the rhythm of the text, even when I read the script. This is magic when you work with large material masters when the role is written well.

- From what moment did you know that you have an unusual family?

- There were probably different stages of this understanding. For example, when we lived in India, they actively acquainted with the culture and traditions of the country, communicated with the locals, I was friends with neighboring children. (Father Laura represented in India "SoveExport Film" - approx. Aut.) We calmly firing Indian food, even the most sharp dishes. What we conduct an unusual way of life, I understood when I went to school at the embassy. There is the fact that we are such open people, caused surprise. And the fact that the family is connected with the movie, I did not consider something unusual. I had twelve years when I starred in the video of Igor Saruhanova "Violin Fox". And I remember that some kind of cute woman who sold the pies with the poppy seeds, which I loved to eat on the way from school, found out me. At that moment I experienced mixed feelings: on the one hand, I was ashamed, because people began to turn on me. On the other hand, nice. It didn't seem to me that I did something incredible, in our family, the shooting was ordinary. Then I realized that we are people of more free looks, I could speak with my parents to any topics that the taboo was considered for many of my girlfriends. In some things, parents showed a rigor, but not in freedom of thought. I could calmly argue with them, express my opinion. It turned out, it is not everywhere.

- Have oriental traditions persist in the female education plan?

- It's in the blood, you can not get anywhere. So I was tuned by the rebellion, especially in youth, but something so wakes up in you, especially with the birth of a child. However, I had different examples of Eastern women before my eyes. On the one hand, Grandma, Laura Ashotna Gevorkyan, is a real beauty, a large artist, who abandoned his career, putting everything on the altar of the family. On the other hand, grandma Stella is also a big beauty, a very strong woman, smiling, blonde and smiling. She had a difficult fate, she all sought himself, and not because it wanted it, "so life was formed. My mother, an artist who has some amazing maternal flaunt. For me, Eashence does not mean non-vitality, it is connected with the manifestation of respect for himself and the surrounding and self-esteem.

They were a beautiful pair: directed by Edmond Keosayan and actress Laura Gevorkian. Their son David became dad laurra

They were a beautiful pair: directed by Edmond Keosayan and actress Laura Gevorkian. Their son David became dad laurra

Photo: Personal archive Laura keosayan

- Nevertheless, the wife must read her husband ...

- This is also respect - to how a man performs its function. He must be a defender, support. Male and women's roles are absolutely different, I'm sure of that. And for me there is no dissonance. And the husband, in turn, should respect the way you carry your role of the clergy of the focus. I can make money, so do not earn, work and do not work, but it should not be less than a woman at home. I do not want to lose this feeling that I am weaker. Of course, if you need to protect your favorite family, children, any woman, Eastern or Western, will give heat. This is not even discussed. But you need to fight with external enemies. Although ... each of us has their troubles, the experience that is postponed with sickles on the heart. We are all overfeeding armor. But the longer I live, the more I understand that in fact it is not needed. And I try to scrape this thief to feel myself defenseless. From this, I, on the contrary, I feel some power, and my spirit is stronger. I do not want to live in the struggle or fear that someone will betray me and deceive. Already enough knowledge and intuition, so as not to make a mistake with the situation or with a person. You just need to not be afraid to listen and trust. It is not necessary that everything will be wonderful, but the main thing is that you will understand what fought and what was going on.

- You do not perceive your family life experience as a mistake?

- Of course not. After all, thanks to this, I became the one that is. Previously, I had the moments of regrets, and I scolded myself for the disappropriance, for the fact that someone offended. Here are these things I can call a mistake. Everything else I perceive this way: it means it was necessary to walk at this point, in a different way I would not have managed. I needed that person in my life and specifically this my child. We have an excellent relationship with our former husband. And we are grateful to each other for everything, for our daughter. I used to think at all that I would never marry. It turns out, I was mistaken. Just did not know something about myself.

- Yes, only it seems that you already know yourself, it turns out, everything has changed.

- Yes, it is a paradox. I used to be terrified this, and now I even like it. As soon as the confidence is growing that you know everything about yourself and about the situation, the fate rightly clicks you on the nose. It is necessary to be in a constant dialogue with the world, not to close the door to the key, trust the fate and gratitude to communicate with the planet and people. When I hold myself in such a carefree, fearless state, I do not need to make effort to make the right choice. The decision comes itself. And if we talk about what I gained with age is ease.

Family assembly: Our heroine with grandfather Edmond, Grandma Laura, Parents and Uncle Tigran

Family assembly: Our heroine with grandfather Edmond, Grandma Laura, Parents and Uncle Tigran

Photo: Personal archive Laura keosayan

- It seems to me that with the birth of a child, on the contrary, some caution appears.

- In fact, there is a lot of things. In terms of something female, I began to be much softer, loved the pink shades. I would never have thought, then put on the jumper powder. (Laughs.) When there is a child, all Mishur crashes out of the head, because you begin to juggle a huge number of really important things. And you especially do not have time to think about them. But from somewhere you know everything and know how - just because you are a woman, and the maternal instinct wakes up. And if you won't listen to too much around you too much, everything will work out. And if near a close person who knows you well, feels and can be counted at the right moment, then in general perfectly. Mom periodically substitutes me elbow and says: Relax, let's go drinking coffee. And immediately this nervousness disappears from what you do not have time. My mother treated everything very easily: Well, think, the child fell, he will rise, it did not work out to eat porridge - eat another time. She behaved hard enough at those moments when it really was necessary - security-related for life, health. In all the rest, there was some ease, the game. I remember my childhood as a solid pleasant conversation about important things. As my mom says, you do not need to shake everything so much. This is just life.

- Do you raise the same way up as well?

"I study every day at my daughter and starting to understand what I am Mom." I'm different. Sometimes I am strict, leave her one at home and say that she will sit and read the book, once led. And sometimes I want to keep a fool with her, or, if there is an opportunity, I take her with myself on the samples of the makeup, costume. There are often such wonderful cinema people, a little Gypsy Tabor, ready to use each other. As a result, some cute person agrees to look after the daughter, while I am preparing. She, of course, is not sugar. Compared to the Sim, I was a dandelion. On the other hand, stubbornness is also great. So, in life, she will achieve her. The main thing is to give her a tool that will help to direct this quality in the right direction. And otherwise - I want to just love her so that she saw around good people and tried to learn something.

- It would seem, after the "Juna", a lot of proposals had to fall on you. You consciously refused?

- Yes, here you see, what an interesting life. Not necessarily the wheel of the fortune, which at some point picked up you will drag and further. I am very lucky with "Juna", I'm not talking about the fact that this is a multi-seater film on the first channel, the main role. Not a lot of good material will be found for me with my characteristic appearance. And I feel such a gratitude, I was so good in acting that I could not dig now. Maybe it sound naive, but I think, if I have to play something, it will come to me. If suddenly, God forbid, I will find in a situation when I need to work to provide a family, I will do it. I'll go at least a clapboard. But there is no need to change the profession due to the fact that there are breaks in work. Of course, when you are not removed for a long time, there is a huge stock of energy, he just eats. At some point I left the theater. But it coincided with "Juna", I had wild work, and then - once, and everything ended. Then a time-out was needed because I was restored, was treated. Without pathos, I will say that when you give a lot, then you need to relax, charge. And now I am again in that condition when I want to work. In the theater I am looking for something, calling out with people with whom I used to cooperate. But I'm not the person who knows how to knock the wall of the LBU, seek, insist. Mustive without work, but I am waiting with gratitude and faith that my picture will come to me.

Laura Keosayan:

"We have an excellent relationship with our former husband. And we are grateful to each other for everything, for our daughter. I used to think that I would not marry, wrong"

Photo: Personal archive Laura keosayan

- And the relationship with the director Tigran Keosayan plays some role?

- It is very nice, but has nothing to do with the profession. In the sense that I am glad to hear his authoritative opinion, get valuable experience during collaboration. But this very rarely happens. Already accurately Tigran Edmondovich will not write a role specifically for me. When he shot "the sea. The mountains. Keramzit ", he called me and said:" But now I finally have something to offer! " Seven years have passed after I graduated from Pike. (Laughs.) And how I asked him to give me a role in the film "Hare over the abyss"! I adore this picture, and not because he is her director. I asked: "Try me. Gypsy, young, that I will not play? " - "No, this is not yours." On the one hand, it's a shame, of course. On the other hand, so cool that he is such an independent creator. Now starred in his new picture. The role is small, but bright, characteristic, so I like it. And for the first time, we were in such a fascinating creative process with Tigran, because at that time he still did not even fully solve my character. It was very interesting to search together, create an image. I was on sounding, and it seems to be cut out of my scenes. The text is wonderful, replicas, of course, on the verge of farce. But it should be funny. At least there is a feeling that it is a living person.

- Who was the prototype of your heroine?

- This is a collective image. I copied, copied, and now got out. I really hope that our viewer will like. This is a densely populated, dynamic, kind, with humor film, as, in principle, all the pictures of Tigran. Working with him great pleasure, sorry, it rarely turns out.

"You reminded me of Zhenya BRIC, a spouse Valery Todorovsky, who says:" I like working with Valera so much. It is a pity, rarely invites me. "

- Yes, here they are strict artists. (Laughs.) I would not want to make something for my ears for the sake of me. Maybe later, when I will be sixty years old, someone will want to work with me, I will write a role for me. Now I consider myself another young artist, although I have been able to disassemble something in the profession. In fact, there is a couple of real characters, which I would like to play, I will not call anyone. There is hope that someday it will happen - in the theater or cinema. And if no one suggests, then I will collect the team of dreams. (Smiles.) It is very interesting to play real people when there is an opportunity to deal with the personality of a person, decipher it.

- Juna never saw the movie?

- She saw only the footage. I know that Producer Mark Levin showed her. She then stated: "Tell the actress to speak normally. What do I actually say so? " (Laughs.) The kingdom of heaven her, I hope that I did not fail, I did not offend anything.

- Do you have thoughts to engage in directed?

- Not. Still, I am an actress, I have figurative thinking. But I could go to the produce, I dare to hope that there is a fire in the movies. Perhaps I will ever collect a decent team that will risk going with me in a joint swimming. Maybe it will be a short film, or a performance, or a festival film. The main thing is that the soul is hurt by this, and you did not try to just like someone.

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