Natalia Lesnikovskaya: "Sometimes I just need to regret"


- What were you in childhood?

- I was a fairly closed and an unavigible child, while very impulsive and fond. I managed to learn in a music school, work out artistic gymnastics and all sorts of dancing.

- How did you earn the first money and have spent?

"After I didn't do the first time to the theater institute, my mother said reasonably:" Daughter, you're already adult, it's time to find out how money is earned. " My first work was the distribution of leaflets in the subway. Almost all earned money I spent on the purchase of tickets to theaters.

- Do you often have to listen to jokes about girls driving?

- I am most afraid of women behind the wheel! I conduct my inner statistics, according to which in 99% of cases, if the car is strangely moving in front of you and different from other participants in the movement, when you overtake you will see a woman driving.

- The best advice you followed?

- There is a quote from Paulo Coelho: "Never refuse your dreams." Probably it is trite, but it helped me a lot.

- For what delicacy are you ready to give up a diet?

- I love the dessert of the panocca. And carrot cake. These are two things that make me refuse any diets.

- What kind of male quality you do not accept anything?

- The bore and the absence of a sense of humor.

- What clothes do you feel at irresistible?

- To brands or a certain style it has nothing to do. I wore one sundress for ten years, he was for me the second skin!

- Do you easily deceive you?

- The acting profession teaches to be insightful in terms of non-verbal signals. Often I see that they are "putting behind the nose," but I have to play this game and make the look as if I do not understand this.

- And you yourself know how to deceive?

- Considively, from 20 years I try to avoid lies. It has long been understood that he is lying the one who is afraid.

- What films can you revise infinitely?

- These are the films of Tarkovsky, made by some inhuman film language, there are so many semantic layers ...

- What is a female whim in your performance?

- Sometimes I just need to regret. Listen and say: "How tired you, as I understand you. But you are so well done! " (Smiles.)

- Travel that you remember forever?

"I was 14 years old, and I madly fell in love with the boy." It was in the summer, the grandmother at the cottage, in the south, in the Krasnodar Territory. That boy with his family moved to Gelendzhik. And I, like the Decembrist, decided to follow him. It was necessary to go four hours on the train, then two more - by bus. With me, I took a cousin. Mom of this boy shelted us and gave money on the way back. It was perhaps the most unforgettable and romantic journey in my life.

- How do you imagine the best job in the world?

- To film and play the theater. (Smiles.)

- Do you know what lies in your purse?

- In it, it is often possible to find children's things: tights, toys, as well as books, cosmetics and a lot of incomprehensible items. (Smiles.)

- Happiness is…

- Enjoying life!

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