How to protect a child from a cold


When a child is born, his body does not know how to resist viruses and bacteria. Immunity begins to form a little later when the body faces the surrounding infections. Most often, children are sick with colds, probably you remember how in elementary school you practically did not get out of bed, trying to cope with the flu.

Now you are faced with the problem of childhood diseases as an adult person, parent, and if you do not know how to reduce the term of the disease of your baby, we will help the tips.

In kindergarten infection are transmitted through common things

In kindergarten infection are transmitted through common things


The main task is to support immunity, which serves as a natural barrier against various infections. How to ensure its support?

While the child is completely small, try to feed it longer to his breast milk, at least half a year. Mother Milk is an ideal foundation for building sustainable immunity.

When a child is able to eat along with adults, add as many fruits and vegetables as possible in its diet, if there are no contraindications. Try not to repeat: Alternate cereals, for example, today buckwheat, tomorrow is rice and so on. Thus, you can maintain the optimal balance of vitamins.

Fresh air walks need a growing body. According to statistics, children with whom parents are walking at least two hours a day, they have much less often peer, which spend most of the day at home. In addition, you can combine walks with exercise.

Let the child get enough sleep, because healthy sleep helps the body recover and update.

Do not let the child hypother or overheat. Depending on the age of the child, choose suitable clothes: dress up a little warmer than yourself, because it lies almost without movement, but the guys older, from two years and further, do not warm too much. It is best to choose multilayer clothes to take off the warm sweater and do not give the child to overheat.

Do not allow the air in the children's room too dry. Purchase a special moisturizer and, among other things, follow the air temperature: it should be at least 25 degrees.

The child's immunity is formed with time


If the child goes to kindergarten

You need to be patient, because in the first year in kindergarten the child will constantly hurt. However, this period will not last long and will be extremely useful in front of the school where it should not be allowed, as this may affect performance. Therefore, it is better to survive this "patient" in the garden.

In the garden, children are infected through public items and toys. There is already a matter of educators who need to maintain the purity and sterility of the room. If this is not done, an outbreak of viral disease can happen, because of which the institution will close on quarantine, and you will have to sit with the child at home to the best times. Of course, we cannot affect the work of the kindergarten staff, but we can protect the child themselves, performing the following conditions.

The child's immunity is formed with time


With the slightest state, leave the child at home with relatives or stay with him. If there is a runny nose, make a nasal washing and let's drink more liquid. A good option is to make the cleaning of the room in which the child is located, to ventilate it and drink a baby again. Following these ordinary tips, you facilitate the course of the disease several times and can avoid complications.

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