5 useless organs in our body


Some parts of our body do not perform any function in the body. The whole thing in evolution, which made them "superfluous". Once they played an important role in the survival of our very distant ancestors, but over time they also became useless. Some can even be removed surgically, and it will not affect a person. And such "evolutionary remnants", abound.


He is called the most famous useless organ. Once he helped a person to process coarse food, which we now do not eat. He was needed herbivore.

We do not need Appendix

We do not need Appendix


Long palm muscle

Compact a thumb with a little finger and slightly lift the brush. You will see a long palm muscle that goes to the elbow, she was needed to our ancestors to climb trees. She enhanced a grip, when intercepting from one branch, to another.

We are no longer climb on trees

We are no longer climb on trees


Eighth teeth

People no longer need a very powerful jaw because their diet shifted to the side of softer food and processed food. A person is no longer needed 32 tooth. Our jaws have become less, and the "eights" simply lacks the place, so we have suffered with them.

8 Tooth delivers only problems

8 Tooth delivers only problems


Goose leather

This effect is manifested in different situations: cold, overexcitation, fear, or vice versa manifestation of positive feelings. At the same time, the hair cover rises, which is almost lost at the modern person. And our ancestors, in case of danger, he became much more massive, which, in turn, could sigh the opponent. Remember how cats flashes back and tail.

Hair cover and tail - remnants of the past

Hair cover and tail - remnants of the past



Where without him? Although, for what he is a fracture of the tailbone, almost the most common injury. However, human embryo at 5-8 weeks it develops. By the time of birth, the tail disappears, leaving behind only a few rudimentary vertebrae among themselves. Our ancestors helped to keep the balance.

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