Gallop in Europe: In which countries are loved by celebrities


Celebrity life is full of interesting moments - endless shows, meetings with fans and advertising projects. True, many of them get tired of publicity and try at least for a week to "get out" from the cycle of affairs, flying on vacation abroad. Want to know where the idols are resting millions?

Olga Buzova

The singer prefers to rest on expensive resorts, but because of the dense schedule, the length of her vacation is usually no more than a week. Recently, Olga flew to the Maldives along with the sister Anna. Under the photo from the paradise island, the girl wrote: "An ideal place to reboot." "I thought about many things, I analyzed a lot, dreamed, built plans, I read, accompanied the sunset every evening, and shared my moments of happiness with you" (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of authors were preserved, - approx.) - So Olga Buzova signed Snapshot in Instagram. Sometimes the businesswoman allows themselves to get into place with a more severe climate, for example, on the ski resort in France. This year, Olga met his 33rd birthday in Kurszavele. The holiday was a success! Together with girlfriends and sister, Anna Buzova had a great time.

Ksenia Borodina

The TV presenter of the Dom-2 project prefers to the cold in warm countries - it can often be found in the Arab Emirates, Italy or Turkey. Ksenia flies on vacation with family - husband and two daughters. Sometimes the family takes a son of Omar, born in the first marriage of her husband. Borodin prefers to relax on a wide leg and never regrets money on elegant hotels and restaurants, especially loves Italian cuisine. As the leading TV project of Ksenia periodically flies to the Seychelles to get acquainted with the participants and help solve problems in their relationship. True, it is recognized: "When I am flying without a husband, depression begins for 2 days, I start going to walk the tail behind him," she is hard to survive separation from his beloved person.

Tina Kandelaki

The general producer of the channel "Match TV" and leading television programs, Tina Kandelaki for recreation more often chooses Europe - France, Italy and England. Most of Tina's trips are associated with work - it covers popular matches, takes an interview and concludes contracts with foreign partners. Sometimes on business trips, the presenter takes the daughter of melania when she is not busy with study. A woman who is accustomed to regular power training and a mad rhythm of life, while traveling does not sit in place - visits museums, art galleries and theaters. "I am pleased to exchange time for good impressions," said Tina under photos from London to Instagram.

Yana Rudkovskaya

You can often meet the producer of Jan Rudkovskaya in the European capitals - she visits most of the ideas of famous designers during fashion week. More often, Yana travels alone, because her husband Evgenia Plushenko has a tight schedule - he teaches figure skating in his school and individually engages with future Olympic champions. However, the family still finds time for a joint holiday: flying to Maldives along with the son of Alexander. By the way, the boy actively engages in figure skating under the leadership of the dad. Last year, he took part in the ice show in Italy along with the dad and became the most young participant for his history.

Vera Brezhneva

"I wanted to get on these islands for many years ... And now I finally have the opportunity," singer singer was singer in Instagram. Now she is resting in the Maldives together with the girlfriend Elena Perminovova - the businesswoman and the owner of the charity foundation. Faith collaborates with many brands of clothing and cosmetics, being the face of their advertising campaigns and Ambassador, so, in addition to rest with the family, travels on work - recently visited New York. Sonya's singer's daughter is studying in the USA - they are rarely seen, so faith did not miss the opportunity and flew to the girl to visit.

Andrei Malakhov

TV presenter, tired of endless esters and shows, cannot deny himself the pleasure of relaxing together with Natalia's wife at one of the most popular resorts: French Riviera, Maldives, the city of Spain. In addition to personal holidays, Malakhov goes annually to a new country together with the audience - a Talk show holds a competition where he takes away candidates who fly on vacation together with the idol. This year, together with the participants of Andrei Malakhov, flew into Georgia, where Marina Fedunkiv arrived in the "gift" to the winners.

Maksim Galkin

The artist regularly publishes photos from solo performances in his Instagram. Fans are waiting for concerts of the beloved humorist around the world. This time he flew in the USA: "Two concerts: one in Chicago, the other in Miami - between them 2000 km and 28 degrees of difference, but also there, and there I was hot and welcome there!"

Time-free Time Maxim prefers to relax together with the family - his wife Alla Pugacheva and Children Liza and Harry. Family of celebrities fly to the nearest European countries - Alla has many friends who happily take them away.

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