Mikhail Terekhin made plastic nose


While Ksenia Borodina is preparing for the wedding, her former boyfriend Mikhail Terekhin is also trying to change his life. The man made a plastic surgery and laid out a photo report.

Terekhin conceived rhinoplasty for a long time, but few people did not devote into his plans. Therefore, the photo on which Mikhail is depicted with a dressing on the nose, has become for many surprise.

"Food for inspection ... Yes, and do not be a guahi speaking this is not a male yo! I think that if something is not satisfied with something and eliminate it, and not listen to someone's opinion! Someone changes the nose. Someone is someone's life and this is a personal matter of everyone "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit).

Mikhail Terekhin showed his nose to subscribers after rhinoplasty. Photo: instagram.com/terekhinmisha.

Mikhail Terekhin showed his nose to subscribers after rhinoplasty. Photo: instagram.com/terekhinmisha.

And by several hours later, Terekhin showed the first photo after surgery without a dressing on the nose. "Week still did not touch the week, but you can already see something," the young man shared. And although the Russian teacher would put Mikhail Two for these paragraphs, in which there is not a single punctuation mark, the illiteracy of Terekhin was interested in the public less. "Sorry, I do not want to offend, but before it looked courageous and brutal! But you are right, this is a matter of person personally! "," He became sharp and somehow ... khm ... I need to get used to "," before and the truth was brutal !!! Men !!! And now so ordinary ... "," before the prominent brutal, and now the man is invisible. I did not notice, "the new image of Terekhin commented on the Internet. Mikhail himself did not respond to these statements.

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