Like a cat with a dog: How to make friends with a weather between them


According to the report of Rosstat "Evaluation of the number of permanent population on January 1, 2020 and on average for 2019", the fertility rate in our country is 1.7 children per woman. This means that, on average, in Russian families, 1-2 children. Moreover, with the implementation of the Family Support Program, the fertility rose from 1.2 children for the mid-2000s. Therefore, the question arises about how it is children to raise: tell how to make friends with the younger.

Spend more time together

Studies on improving the relationship between brothers and sisters, which is indicated by the Psychology Today website, show the tendency to improve relations between children when they are fulfilled with joint activities. A particularly positive effect is noticeable on children of different age groups and temperaments that are usually bad. Pay attention to games that interside the children, and combine them. So girls like to play the store, and boys in the cars - arrange a role-playing game to the toy store. Encourage joint children by participating in them with your husband.

Give children to relax

Give children to relax


Do not interrupt games

"Do not be famously if quietly" - all parents must remember this phrase. If you notice that children are engaged in sharing, leave them alone. Lunch and daytime sleep will wait until they install contact with each other. When they become good friends, it will be possible to strictly control the quantity of the day. In the meantime, try to allocate time for games in the morning after breakfast, after daytime sleep and in the evening.

Promote the mining of joy hormone

In a good mood, maintain friendly communication is much easier. Candle and kiss children more often, tick them and joke along with them, go for a walk on fresh air or go to the forest. Include in your daytime routine as many classes that contribute to the production of oxytocin are dancing, singing, sports. If the children are tired, give them sweets and turn on the cartoon - a calm rest will not give the cortisol to work out and pour them out by provoking a new conflict.

Offer to take care of each other

A strong connection between children forms the need for concern for each other - that is why children with a big difference in age are much less often quarreling. Teach them the standards of etiquette: transmit to each other napkins, help bring the salad, pour water and transmit cutlery. When one of the children was hurt, ask the second to bring you a bandage or a package with ice, stick to the patch scratch or pour it on it. Tell them about the rules of safe behavior on the street and convince you to look at each other.

Bring the magazine of kindness along with children

Bring the magazine of kindness along with children


Make a family journal of kindness

Psychologists offer to start a notebook, in which you along with the children will record their good deeds towards each other. Name him "the magazine of our family kindness" and allow children to decorate it. You can start with quotes about kindness, for example, Dalai Lama: "Be kind when possible. It is always possible. " Then pay attention to the acts of kindness between your children and write them down in the diary with the date. For example, "Vanya shared with Masha's biscuits", "Masha helped Wana to collect toys" and so on.

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