Belief in yourself: signs that your man is a bad lover


Agree, often on the first date we are visited by thoughts, what will this man be in bed in bed? Even today, women resort to such ways as calculating the size of the dignity of the potential partner along the length of the fingers / nose and the amount of vegetation on the body. Is it worth saying that such methods have nothing promising with reality. However, psychologists revealed several behavioral patterns that can if not talk about sexual potential, then at least give an exemplary presentation.

I and only me

Without what quality is impossible for excellent sex? Of course, without the care of partners to each other. Imagine that you were on a walk or went to a cozy restaurant. What happens next? He is interested in you, asks questions, wants to know more about you? If so, you have a chance that a man will be a sensory sexual partner. But if you cannot and insert words and begins to seem that you happened to the theater rehearsal of the Hamlet's monologue, the news is disappointing - a man is looked at himself, and this suggests that it will be exclusively exclusive of his own feelings.

Pay attention to his behavior

Pay attention to his behavior


Dont touch me

Any man interested in you, as in a woman, which he has to conquer, will strive for you to touch, and no, it will not be frankly vulgar touch, he just always wants to feel your presence. This is a good sign. But when the man avoids your proximity by all means, does not seek to enter into a closer contact even after a few dates, wait for the trick - it can be about sexual immaturity or even religious education. As you understand, such a partner is unlikely to please you in bed.

All women are the same

You did not have time to get acquainted closer, and you already know what kind of bad woman was his former? Alarm bell. There is no guarantee that a man who is constantly dissatisfied with the female floor will not begin to show negative feelings in your address. In addition, constant critical comments towards women talk about self-esteem problems and often about neurotic condition. Do you need such "adventures" and will you ever be ready to be on the spot of his next bad former?

I'm always well done

Talk less, work more. But not in the case of such men. A person who cannot live without knowing the world to know about his sexual victories, with great probability it will not surprise in bed, since most of his "feats" are clearly exaggerated. A man who is confident in his abilities and knows exactly his abilities, will never do the emphasis on this, rather, he will simply take your preparation for sex into his hands.

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