Hama among us: politely put a person in place


With the Khamsky attitude, we faced if not every day, then at least several times a week for sure. However, not only public transport and public places are the insanity of evil ... That is, rudeness. Most often, people with whom we are forced to argue are our loved ones, colleagues and friends - those with whom we communicate constantly. If with an unfamiliar person just enough to raise the voice or say something sharp, with friends and close, this "focus" will not pass, because the sharpness for these people will not be completely accurate. But it is impossible to tear such behavior on the brakes. What to do? We have a few tips, how to give to understand the person that he is not right, but not to ruin the relationship.

Realize the situation

It is important to share the people you Hamyat. If you depend on this person on work, you understand, the consequence of your disassembly can be dismissal. The same with friends with whom you can quarrel, if you break the scandal.

With relatives a little more difficult. It all depends on how close these people are close to you, and whether they are generally your blood family: here we are talking about the relatives of her husband or wife. So, if the mother-in-law serves you, be poisoned, because it may well spill your marriage union.

They are everywhere, not only in public transport

They are everywhere, not only in public transport

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

What to do?

- rate risks;

- feel confident in its right thing;

- Do not like Hamam, do not raise the voice (only in rare cases).

As soon as you both come to screams and squeal, your dispute will be lost, and for both sides. Therefore, be consistent, act clearly and try to be delicate with such a person.

Method first. Total ignoring

No, no need to endure a disgusting attitude towards yourself. The man who chose you with his "victim", it will only spur. Show your whole look that you are above the scrolls with this representative. If this person is higher than you by rank and is able to influence workflows, react only to those attacks that occur in the case, but show how stupid a person looks in this situation. Hama is usually discouraged.

Ask meticulous colleague to show how you need to do what, in his opinion, you do wrong

Ask meticulous colleague to show how you need to do what, in his opinion, you do wrong

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

The aggressor will not be able to take against your calm. But do not confuse ignore with patience: Hama needs to be indicated on his wrong.

The method of the second. Smile

It is quite difficult to smile in response to insults, but the method is pretty good and in most cases acts. When we smile, we do not approve the behavior of the opponent, but suppress its aggressive mood.

Surely you have noticed that it is worth showing an unexpected response to a negative, as a person begins to housing and quenching the emerging conflict. But you need to smile correctly: it should not be a mockery, otherwise the risk to aggravate the conflict.

The third way. Mill

In this situation you will need the environment of people. It can even be passersby. The point is to redirect the negative stream per person who spews it.

Suppose you have a colleague who enlighterates you to your shortcomings in work, and it does it when your dispute can see other people. Usually such a person is counting on supporting others.

Smile in response to the negative - the aggressor does not want to continue the dispute

Smile in response to the negative - the aggressor does not want to continue the dispute

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

When this situation happens, publicly ask him to show how to do. The way will work perfectly if you understand the question perfectly and you can present my claims to a person, thereby putting it in an awkward situation. The next time a person wonders, whether to cling to you on trifles.

Method fourth. Agree with Hamom

A person expresses negative against others, only when he knows that he will not repeat. He enjoys it. To deprive the Hama desire to continue with you to be accepted, in every way agree with his statements. Even better if you are sarcastic in this case, such behavior will be a complete surprise for Hama.

For example, one of your relatives tells you that you have not succeeded in life and, in general, a loser. Agree and invest in your "consent" as much as possible, so that a person clear it understands. From you waiting for response aggression and prosperity. Do not let him what he wants, and the person quickly "merges" from the conversation.

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