Kidalta: why to be adult is not fashionable


The average age of fans "watering" computer monsters and build virtual civilizations - not sixteen and even eighteen, but (attention!) Thirty-three years. These are the results of research of the American Association of Computer Entertainment Manufacturers. The same thirty-one-year-old with pleasure look "Simpsons", read "Harry Potter" and wear things from adolescent lines of famous brands.

When our parents were thirty-five - forty years old, they have already been married for a long time and, as a rule, had adolescent children. Their wardrobes were carried by woolen costumes in the "Christmas tree", heavy skirts until the middle of the caviar and blouses of sad colors. In the chart-parade of the same adult hobbies, catching fishing on her liver, homemade needlework and deft chopper on a nursery area. In general, everything was very and very serious. Without fools.

It is quite another thing - today's generation of forty-haired. There is a suspicion that many of them will become dress up in a deliberate-sad adult uncle costume only on Halloween. Because their casual wear is bright T-shirts with indecent inscriptions or cartoon drawings. And instead of a boring portfolio, they carry the plated bags of cheerful colors with a gaming PSP prefix, a bundle of M & M's and a book about Winnie Pooh inside. They could be called infantals, but it is not entirely true.

"SuSi-Pusi" and hard core

Infantilles are those who could not achieve something in the life of something truly serious and whose judgments even for forty years remained at the level of Susy-Pusi. We are not about them now. Because modern forty-male, who feel twenty, not at all stupid and certainly not naive. Most of them, on the contrary, were well studied, early began to work, for many years they turned hard and achieved financial independence to the fourth ten. Above them, as a rule, the burden of responsibility for other people is not hanging (to be lonely and childless in forty - also a kind of fashion), they have full free time and ample opportunities. Ideal soil to play for children's fun, taste a student party hard-bark and finally finally, all that have not reached the young years. To somehow mark this group of people, marketers connected two words: Kid - "child" and adult - "adult". It turned out "Kidalt" - the social term, which is now consumed much more often than the same "metrosexual".

5 ways to calculate the kidalt:

1. Updated to buyers in the electronics store. A man of thirty-eight years in T-shirt with Shrekom chooses a gaming attachment clearly not for his son.

2. Looking around on the street. See the character "deep in fifteen", standing on a skateboard or (which is safer) holding this device in the hands? This is also one of them.

3. Listen to conversations of colleagues and friends. Kidalti often use the words that it seems to them is exploring today's advanced young people. Frequently, however, adult children are lagging behind the lexical street fashion and proudly trumps the phrases of annual statute.

4. Standing in line in the supermarket, pay attention to the neighbors carts. Kidalt there will be yogurts in insane packages, dry breakfasts of different masters, cookies, chips and even kinder surprises.

5. Assemble to visit the potential Kidalt. Suspicions will be confirmed by chaotic comic binder, permanently broadcasting TV channel 2 × 2, open page in a popular social network on a working computer, an hourly ice cream cake in the fridge and facial younger than sixteen ... which in this house will not be.

By gender sign

So sociologically developed that Kidalta is mostly a man. This is especially true of the modern generation of Sorokhaleniki: it was in the early 90s it was not to the games and fun, and it was they who worked at wear. To date, many of these men have already achieved everything that wanted to get a family, divorce and now most of his free time and money dedicate insane hobbies, shopping and spontaneous journey (to conceal the weekend to London or Ibiza to just dance in the club - The case is completely natural for the kidalt). And they avoid women of their age, preferring to them a shrouded female student. The latter, by the way, is not at all because in forty prestigious and cool to have twenty-year-old modules in mistresses. Just young disirs are able to disappear on a complete coil, without thinking about the morning rises to work, crying children and fullness of the refrigerator. For kidalt, this is an ideal, nothing more from my companion is needed.

The sake of fairness must be said that women who fell into childhood are also no no yes and are found. But not as often as men. And the childhood is manifested, as a rule, only externally: Helo Kitti handbags, plush pants from Masha Tsigal and perfume with strawberry smell make a girl for thirty-cute and touching creation. However, even this embodiment of the bearer is unlikely to quit everything for the sake of a spontaneous trip to Disneyland and certainly will not spend the latter money on an accurate copy of its MP3 player, only with a large amount of memory.

All this, of course, is not surprising: women, in the end, the creatures defenseless, and therefore need stability and certainty more than men. However, for the real Kidalt, everything connected with the planning of life and riddling for tomorrow is the mortal boredom and stuffy bore. So it turns out that the concept of "Kidalt" is a male person: time to reproduction, the acquisition of housing and the creation of a family who has fulfilled the fourth dozen men still have. But in women with this, on the contrary, Nehuto: after thirty arrows on their biological clock, they are stably shown to the "reproduction" mark, and here already, as they say, not to cartoons. Although it is not the main thing, in general. In the end, many girls are not interested today in the continuation of the kind (remember at least Samantha from "Sex in the Big City"). The main reason for the "masculinity" of the concept of "Kidalt" - in wallets. Men are usually solvent than women. And it is very on the hand to those who make up their touching children's hobbies.

Five with two pros

In fact, men with cute semi-children's hobbies and hobbies always existed. And business style in clothes has never been love absolutely all, who has already been twenty-eight. However, the cooking kid and the kidalt generation itself appeared quite recently. And here it is felt by some trick. What kind of, it is not difficult to guess, contacting the history of the phenomenon. And in it black in white it is written: "In the middle of the eighties, the term" Kidalt "was introduced into circulation marketers." Not sociologists, not psychologists, but marketers. That is, those whose task is to sell. With the task, I must say, monsters marketing coped to five with two advantages. After all, it is brilliant: to inspire innocuous adults, lovers of "Simpsons" and modulage aircraft that they are a cult and fashion community and what to be a child on the fourth ten - "wildly cool". And then "put them on money." After all, what is a child, if you think? This is allowed to afford everything, despite the price tags, this is a new toy every day, this is an atmosphere of an eternal holiday and a permanent thirst for adventure. Make a person with such life principles to buy something unnecessary - a pair of trifles. What is there? It will not have to force it, actually. The perfect consumption society is obtained: adults with good income, ready to buy new toys every day. The best target audience for any (practically) goods and come up with difficult.

Natural economy

Yes, they impulsively invest a bunch of money in momentary joy and go on the market. Yes, they do not think about tomorrow and consider practical people with boring strikers. Yes, they should not wait for serious intentions and constructive ideas. But at the same time they are happy, and look at their children's pranks and humiliatingly. And in their heads, completely insane ideas are often born, which would never have thought of an ordinary adult. That is why the kidalts feel confident in the creative atmosphere: the most talented designers, journalists, architects, advertisers and other creatives - in the soul absolute children. And even perhaps somehow that wars in their lives occur solely on computer monitors. And they know how to earn money, not only getting from ten to nineteen in a stuffy office, but also, let's say, drawing brilliant comics without leaving home. Because such "funny pictures" megapopular among their own, kidaltov, who, if anyone forgot, do not regret money on entertainment. Conveniently. Some kind of natural economy and the law of energy conservation is obtained. They seem to exist without us.

Kidalt elite:

Svetlana Konegen.

Talk about the age of a woman - a bad tone. However, do not notice that Mrs. Conegyn has long been not twenty-five for a long time, can only blind. It's nice to note that Svetlana himself this fact does not care at all, and it prefers to endless plastic operations, and her daughter-mother's daughters with beloved dogs.

Sergey Zverev

Having arrived to conquer Moscow, the nonresident hairdresser Seryozha was forced to work a lot and constantly to prove something to someone. Having received the status of the King of Glamor, the star relaxed and dedicated life to absolutely childhood leprosy: the game in the singer of All Russia, the shocking on television and the public purchase of thongs in rhinestones for frantic thousands - we are shocked, Seryozha.

Carrie Bradshow.

We were not mistaken: not Sarah Jessica Parker, namely her heroine Carrie. She does not know how to save money, does not have a permanent job, does not know what he wants from relationships with men, and constantly "plays Barbie." Barbie In this case, she herself: Cairry's dresses and shoes will have a chubby girl in a pink cover.


It is he who is a favorite character of most adult children. It is not surprising: to be "in the measure of a touch of a man in the heal of forces" and stagger on the roofs, from time to time reinforcing jam, - the dream of any novice Kidalt.

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