5 Tips for Urgent Search


"Weather whispering: take the calculation" - in the summer, many want to relax and leave for the whole season from the city, and therefore vacancies are exempt. They may be temporary, for example, if a permanent employee took a vacation at his own expense, but it's still your chance. advises not to miss it and take the search right now

At this time your chances are increasing

At this time your chances are increasing


Tip number 1. Summary does not happen much

You can not find the work of the accountant, but at the same time ended the courses of cutters and sewing? Make one more resume, do not be lazy. If the money is urgently needed, then there is no prick. Try to apply for related professions, so you will increase your chances.

Make a somewhat resume with photos

Make a somewhat resume with photos


Tip number 2. Add photo

Make a couple of good photos that would meet a future position, and add them to resume. I explain: if you are looking for the work of the secretary, then the style of clothing should be a business, and not a snapshot from a walk in the forest or "toilet" selfie. Smile - it has people. In addition, a resume with a photo is easier to remember and causes more interest among the employer.

Avoid unnecessary information about yourself

Avoid unnecessary information about yourself


Tip number 3. Refuse a letter

The accompanying letter to the resume - the reception is good, but does not always work. If you can not write - do not write. So you will avoid unnecessary errors. It is better to silent than immediately spoil the impression. After choosing an incorrect tone, you can generally get into the "black list". HR managers are visible on day hundreds of replies from applicants. They are not at all interesting, whether to embroider the future accountant or he is a wonderful family man. Better just give a link to your portfolio.

Check errors

Check errors


Tip # 4. Watch for literacy

Orphographic errors in the resume are not allowed. Do not know how the word is written - check it in dictionaries and relevant services on the Internet: "Gramota.ru", "Orfirography", "Glavred" and so on. Write short and in the case, this is not a school essay, but a business document.

Perseverance will not be superfluous

Perseverance will not be superfluous


Tip number 5. Ask

If you are looking for work, do not limit the resume sending. Explain all acquaintances and friends about this, place a post in all social networks you are registered. Sit down and call the organization - suddenly there is a job somewhere for you, or they are looking for an employee, but have not yet given an ad.

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