And lover, and friend: how to make contact if you have become gone


"A man is not a child. A man is an adult man, he has already been formed. You can only say - I like it or comes up, or to look for another, "says the popular psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky in one of the interviews. This position is one of the views on how to find a common language with a person. To re-educate or inspire your views is definitely not the best option. But if you are confident that all the inconsiderators are temporary and explained by specific reasons, it is worth the rest of the relationship. will tell you what actions to do and what to expect from the partner.

Talk to neutral atmosphere

Conversations on personal topics surrounded by children, relatives, communication for watching the movie, just like reasoning after sex - definitely not the best moment to share problems that really worry a person. You better go to the city, for example, in the forest, where you can walk together and talk to souls. Fresh air contributes to the development of serotonin, which will have a positive effect on the mood of man and at the same time will calm it, forcing you to trust you. In pairs where there is no habit of share experiences, problems occur more often - think about how much time you spend on conversations alone.

In the neutral setting to talk easier

In the neutral setting to talk easier


Review intima

Your partner may understand that you are tired at work or from care for children, but to overcome your emotions to once again it will be unable. Patriarchal culture dictates us that intimate interaction between people is only in sex - it is not. You can make a favorite person massage or ask to make it you, just hug and kiss, stroke your head - think about what he likes and you. When you restrict a person from close contact with you, he feels a devotee and offended, believing that you were cooled to him. Any concern about each other at the time of the crisis, when it is difficult for you to talk to the exciting topics, talks about your not essentials to the partner and changes its mood for the better.

Talk about yourself without affecting others

At the time of conflict, any arguments are going: memories from the past, reference to relatives, claims for spent time, partner inconsistency as an ideal. All of them are a mistake for two reasons: you will lead a life with a person, not his family, and you are not a slave, and therefore could go at any time, and not complain about in vainst years. Many grooms want to get up to the position of "victims" and "Savior" - first are not satisfied with the relationship, but they still do not finish them, finding an excuse of indecision to any reason - from children to material addiction, the second one wants to save the beloved from his problem - from alcoholism Up to habit of spreading hands. If you do not consider yourself to these two types, it means you can adequately express your position in the dispute, speaking only about your emotions, and not accusing another. Talking about yourself, you give a partner the opportunity to understand you and speak yourself, just explaining your emotions and actions.

take care of each other in different ways

take care of each other in different ways


Solve the problems

The tranquility of partners in the Union affects each of them. So, when one on a platoon or in apathy, the emotional state of the other will also become unstable. The stronger empathy is, the worse it will be a beloved person, when you will walk upset. Often we do not admit yourself why they are very tired or have learned to enjoy the world around, fearing to meet with a misunderstanding of the partner. But the first step towards solving the problem is its recognition and adoption of negative emotions. You can take a boning work, outdated repair of the house, an uncomfortable car or the absence of new emotions. Do not learn yourself to be content with small, but live as you really want. Only so you will be a happy person, and what it will lead - a change in your relationship or parting - you will see later. It is possible that your partner dreams of the same and afraid to admit this to you, so dare!

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