Povilas Vanagas: "I have only caressing names for my beloved."


Multiple Lithuanian champion in figure skating Vanagas's skate skates, who worked as a coach, and only for the boy more ate due to loads. Too thin was her son. There was no big love for this kind of sport at Povilas: he always wanted to leave the ice and throw the skates on the shelf. And it practically succeeded. If it were not for the service in the sports company in the ranks of the armed forces, our hero could not get all their numerous titles. It was in the army that the coaches in figure skating put it in a couple with Margarita Drobinosko, his constant partner and the future wife.

Povilas, why didn't you love figure skating? Such a beautiful sport! ..

Povilas Vanagas: "It is so consider today. And at the time of my childhood, figure skating was an exotic sport. They were engaged in units. Like all the guys in the yard, I loved basketball, football. I had to come to the rink just because my mother wanted so much. (Lilia Vanagene was a seventeent champion of Lithuania. - Approved auth). Soon she saw that I had jumps. I began to let me down at competition ... She became my first coach. Honestly, I would not like to be a coach for my child. But I myself am insanely grateful to my mother that she insisted at my sports. "

Many athletes believe: when parents train their children, nothing good comes out of this ...

Povilas: "Statistics do not know, but I think that fifty-fifty. It all depends on what the child has a tendency. If the sibling is wild lazy, then the sport will help it "cure". But if he wants to engage in one sport, and parents forcibly make him engage in others, then perhaps it will bring in it only humility. Although, on the other hand, a conflict situation between the child and parents is possible. "

It is interesting that many athletes who have achieved heights once led to the section or so that they sick smaller or, as in your case, to eat more ...

Povilas: "I don't think that only for these two reasons lead children in sports. Each child has its own situation. But the fact that constant physical exertion in childhood is needed is definitely. For example, I am now admiring the parents who were able to give their own child into many different sports sections. Perfect option! Not everyone becomes professional athletes. But if the child will be engaged in ten years old, it will not only develop his physical data, but also orders the person. "

If you really didn't like figure skating, what did you dream about? Who saw themselves in the future?

Povilas: "A doctor. The physician was not only dad, but grandfather with a grandmother along his line. And they finely pushed me on this path. "

And from the mother, apparently, were all skaters?

Povilas: "The grandfather on the mother's line worked as the director of the rink, on which I spent all my childhood. He built this skating rink in Soviet times from scratch, breaking all the laws. He was even trying to draw responsibility. I sometimes come to this skating rink, where my mother is still trains. There are many talented children of Lithuania. And thanks to my grandfather, who invested his time in the project, work, its energy.

Why didn't you have become a doctor?

Povilas: "For some time I went to medical courses. But the class with a third schedule of training on the rink has become very dense. And I refused medicine. It is impossible to argue the immense. "

However, your biography says that after school you did not at all in physical culture, and not even into medical, but for some reason in MGIMO ...

Povilas: "The thought about MGIMO arose with me quite by chance. Just by the time I finished school, a restructuring was made in the USSR. Large chiefs of this institution have big problems. They almost sat for corruption. I, naive young man, thought that now, when everyone was brought to clean water, justice came and it would be possible to enter MGIMO not only to children of diplomats, but also a simple mortal. I can say one thing: I was mistaken. " (Smiles.)

Did not accepted you?

Povilas: "No. I returned to Lithuania, entered the Polytechnic Institute, and six months later the agenda came to the army. I had to think: what to do next? About the moral spirit of the Soviet Army, the spirit of the grandfather, I knew not at the break. I did not want to experience it. "

And where did you know?

Povilas: "In childhood, I traveled around the country for many years for fees and speeches. And in Russian sports clubs saw the grandfather of Himo. The elders humiliated the younger. I was asked a fair question: if such a situation was in sports facilities, where I performed and trained, what should happen in the army itself? And when I came the agenda, I remembered that I was constantly called to ride in Moscow. Different coaches - not as a single room, but in the ice dances. Therefore, after thinking, I chose a sports company in the Sports Club CSKA. I arrived in Moscow, said I was ready to try. But it was confident that in two years my samples will end. "

Ten years after co-riding on Ice, Margarita Klobyazko became also his wife of Povilas. Photo: Lori.ru.

Ten years after co-riding on Ice, Margarita Klobyazko became also his wife of Povilas. Photo: Lori.ru.

But life ordered otherwise ...

Povilas: "Yes. I was put in a couple with Margarita (Margarita Drobinico - Partner, Wife. - Approx. Auth.). She had no partner at that time. The coaches decided that she had nothing to hang out alone, and put with me, at first it seems to be temporarily. "

And for more than twenty years you are together on ice ...

Povilas: "Yes, almost twenty five" (laughs.)

You did not immediately begin to sympathize with each other?

Povilas: "We got married after ten years of joint skating if you are about it."

Did you have a beautiful wedding with Margarita?

Povilas: "Very modest! Guests are just eight people. We were very tired physically and emotionally from the past sports season. Therefore, when the question arose, how many people called, we decided to abandon the lush wedding ceremony. Although I am a very big lover of precisely big and multi-day events. (Laughs.) I was at weddings several times in my life when we walked three days, and the guests had a person one hundred and fifty. It makes an indelible impression! But for us, this would be no joy, but torment. Therefore, at the wedding there was a nearby circle: our parents, we and witnesses. "

What is the secret of the longevity of your pair?

Povilas: "Probably, there is no special secret. Just got a couple that is interesting to the viewer. We feel this throughout all those years that we are together on ice, and feel great satisfaction from your creativity. But if someone then said that in his almost forty-five years we will continue to ride, I would not believe. For sure! "

In the press, there are materials that the family life of Vanagas - Drobizkoically gave the crack that you were already parted or just going ... how do you feel about this


Povilas: "First, of course, it is very annoyed. But, alas, nothing can be done with such publications. Correspondents of various editions for some reason consider themselves to be entitled to say that - about what is not. And this is just to earn an extra penny. Poor people! "

No matter how sad, these are the laws of show business, in which you with Margarita are now to cook.

Povilas: "Also right. I agree! When we rode professionally, our fans, even the most devotees, saw us on TV two or three times a year - at the World Championships, the European Championship and the Grand Prix Cup. Yes, and showed all this in a rather inconvenient time. And here the viewer is watching us for four months a year. Once a week, in Prime Time, on the Channel One. And not two minutes of performances! This is a good example of what is capable of television. And how it can change the life of people who are shown, and the lives of people who look at them. "

Are you accustomed to being a media face?

Povilas: "Not that used to - probably, somehow learned to live with this mediency. Quietly react to the manifestations of folk love outside the ice site. When you are suitable on the street, try to meet you, shake your hand, take a picture, take an autograph. "

Such a stressful work schedule does not prevent personal life?

Povilas: "In no case! We are with Margarita on the show we go like a couple. It's great that you do not need to run away from the house, part. We were lucky".

Margarita never jealous of you to your partner - because all of them are beautiful and famous personalities?

Povilas: "Ah-ah! (Laughs.) Says no, but sometimes I feel it! "

And you?

Povilas: "I have already learned not to jealous much." (Laughs.)

When you are not on tour and no ice shows, how do you usually spend your free time?

Povilas: "I love all that is connected with plants, with flowers. It will soon come just such a time when I run every morning to the flowerian - to watch the bed, what was revealed there. For me, the appearance of a new life in nature is a miracle! "

After all, you live in the city - there is where to roast ...

Povilas: "Yes. Although at first we did not think to live in the city constantly. When we bought the earth at the beginning of this century and began to build a house, then thought it would be a tricky summer cottage - so that Margarita's parents would be closer to us in the season. But when we arrived and looked at the choirs of our neighbors, I realized that the cottage would be very shed out of the "common palette". (Laughs.) Well, and when they moved, they realized how happy people who basically live outside the city in their house with a small block of land. Or large and big. Only outside the city are aware of how much we drove themselves into stone bags. We live each other on your head. But what to do? This is a handwriting of the modern world! "

Do you think that in you two common? What are you looking like margarita?

Povilas: "A difficult question. Probably the fact that we both love figure skating. This is the case we do and which, as I think, it turns out well. Only I began to love him with time, and she was feeling this feeling from childhood. Also I, and Margarita adore animals. What else? Since we live together so many years together (and as a partner with a partner ride for another ten), then we probably have a lot of common human qualities. "

And what do not match?

Povilas: "There are many nuances, as in every ordinary family, in each team. (Laughs.) I, for example, more Pedantic than Margarita. (Smiles.) I am annoyed by the unwashed dishes in the sink. I believe that if there is no strength, then you need to even soak it out in the morning to wash everything in the morning. But the wife is very punctual, but I am not. I can come to the airport at the last moment. Many years ago there were things because of which we had friction. But then we realized that you need to make concessions to each other. Find compromises to not annoy and not irritate. "

Who still remains the last word in your family?

Povilas: "Oh, it's hard to say! Most often, probably for Rita. But we do not happen such harsh disputes to put this last word at the end. (Laughs.) We are more diplomatic by solving controversial issues if they arise. "I said, it means that will be so," this is not about us! " (Laughs.)

That is, you have more tender ways to solve problems. How, by the way, do you call my wife in ordinary life?

Povilas: "Only weave names. At least ritule! But in general I love to invent her different nicknames. "

What kind?

Povilas: "For example, Dunda. She asks what kind of dundy. "Dunda, - I answer, - and that's it!" (Laughs.) Nothing meaningless word, but suitable Margarita at the moment. Dundy is today, tomorrow I will come up with something. "

And how does she call you?

Povilas: "There is also names for me, but not so much as I have for her." (Laughs.)

Do you think the name determines the character of a person? Vanagas translates from Lithuanian as a "hawk". So you feel the quality of the predator, the hunter?

Povilas: "I did not think. Probably not. Although when I see in the sky, a feeling of affinity arises. " (Laughs.)

You somehow confessed in an interview that you have a certain motto that you are guided in life. How does it sound?

Povilas: "Festina Lente, which is translated from Latin as" hurry slowly. " I heard this phrase from my spiritual father, the kingdom of heaven to him. On my perturbation, these are the right and wise words. "

It turns out to live on this principle: everyone's time to do, hurry?

Povilas: "No, it does not work. Very much unfinished and pending affairs. For example, instead of the cabinet, we have a home warehouse for several years. All hands do not reach. But I will definitely choose time and slowly finish and this is the case. "

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