Victoria Daineko: "My groom liked parents"


- Spring inspires to change. Have you visited something to change something?

- Yes, the spring mood is definitely better than in winter! I even changed a schedule of life - I began to wake up earlier. It can be said from the owl turned almost in the lark. And I also recorded two new songs, and now we decide which one to shoot the clip. I can not choose, they both terribly like them!

- Many artists complain that work due to the crisis has become less. Have you felt it?

- Ugh-pah-pah, concerts and tour there!

- That is, about the spare airfield in the form of some business to think until early?

- Just recently I thought it would be great to open a cafe with a gluten-free menu. There is no such thing in Moscow! Every time I come to the restaurant, I suffer what dish you can choose - almost everywhere gluten. And I adhere to the doctor with a gluten-free power supply system. Dairy products with lactose also do not use. And now I feel much better than in times, when I eaten bread and scored them with milk! (Smiles.) I know many people who also eat. Here in London, for example, there are even gluten-free hot dogs, burgers and caps. I would like to see and appetite to eat something like this.

- In addition to the opening of the cafe, you could give master classes on an independent study of foreign languages ​​...

"English I really taught myself: I found discs with the songs of foreign artists, I watched movies with subtitles - I met a stranger, put on a pause and ran for the dictionary. My desk book was the Anglo-Russian Dictionary of Muller. Long ago, I wanted to learn Spanish, but there was no teacher in my hometown. Therefore, I was looking for the songs of Natalia Oreiro, prints the texts, I put on the headphones and listened. So I learned to read in Spanish. Now everything is simple: there is an Internet, a bunch of free resources and applications, there is Skype, where you can talk with a native speaker and thus practicing. Would a desire! I have a wonderful friend Steve, with whom we communicate in English.

Victoria Daineko:

"To achieve the perfect figure, it is very important to find the right coach who will help to achieve the desired results," Victoria Daineko is sure. .

- Sometimes it seems that you do not have much time for communication. Judging by your figure, you just do not get out of the gym. And your press has become the envy of many girls. Tell us how you managed to achieve this?

- Thanks for the compliment! It is very important not to engage in self-identity, but find the right coach that will help achieve the desired results. Now I took a little break, but I plan to return to the hall soon. I was engaged in boxing with a coach and really miss these classes. My boxing gloves are tired of hanging at home and again rush into battle. (Smiles.) Well, and it is also important to eat. For example, now I eat every four hours - I advised a nutritionist. I call the alarm clock in the phone, and wherever I have, I have to eat. And I also have allergies to alcohol, cigarette smoke and gluten. Believe the word, with such a set no diet is required!

- With such a set and go to the store optional ...

- On the contrary, I love to buy products and cook at home to please your loved one.

- If you believe the conversations around your person, then the beloved person will soon become your husband. Tell us where you met Dmitry?

- We got acquainted with the preparation for the presentation of my English-speaking album "V".

- And how did he manage to conquer you?

- Dima surprised me with his care and his own good male attitude towards me. And on the irony of fate, we met at the moment when our statement was discussed on the Internet that I was disappointed in men. I really wrote on Twitter that I was tired of falling in love, everything is fine in my life, and girls who do not represent joy in life without men who are more likely to spoil their lives than they are decorated. Then I really thought so.

Dmitry Kleman conquered Vika Daineko his concern and responsibility. .

Dmitry Kleman conquered Vika Daineko his concern and responsibility. .

- And then on your blog, the fans read the day of all lovers that Dima made you an offer ...

- Dima did not wait for the day of all lovers and made me a proposal on February 13. And correctly arrived: 13 - my favorite number. We were in St. Petersburg, they were preparing for the concert "Big Love Show". I heard the phrase behind the scenes, which, probably, wants to hear any girl once. (Smiles.)

- You immediately answered "yes", did not even think?

- It so happened that all the most important solutions in life I take quickly! And this is not impulsiveness, but my characteristic of my character.

- Have you already introduced Dima with your parents? Did they like him?

- Dima, they liked. And this is very important! I admit honestly: my parents liked not all the guys with whom I met. About one boy Mom even said: "Can you no longer bring it to us at visit?"

- Dmitry Younger than five years. You do not feel the difference in age?

- I, on the contrary, it seems that Dima is in many ways more seriously and adult me. This depends on a person - some men and in 40 years have behave like adolescents.

- I understand that you do not want to reveal the secrets of your pre-wedding preparations. But at least some ideas do you already have?

- To the wedding, help me to prepare professionals who are engaged in the organization of holidays. Now we think about the stylistic of the ceremony and make up the guests of the guests. Well, Dima, of course, helps ...

- Recently, you intrigued fans by laying a photo on our page in the wedding dress of Anastasia designer Zoodina. Do you go to the crown in it?

- No, this dress I put on the shooting of the "stars factory." Return". I call him a "dress-cake", and I like it insanely! But why repeat? For the wedding, I sew the dresses of another style. It is the dresses - there will be several of them.

Vika Daineko never painted her hair, but from the experiment, the blonde did not refuse. Of course, the actress did not change the color of the hair, but simply tried out the wig. .

Vika Daineko never painted her hair, but from the experiment, the blonde did not refuse. Of course, the actress did not change the color of the hair, but simply tried out the wig. .

- Vika, you constantly intrigue fans in interesting publications in your blog. Not so long ago, many discussed a black and white snapshot, where you are naked and close your chest. With the signature "Just Leave Me Alone". What does all of this mean?

- This photo was made a few years ago. As for the signature ... everyone has moments when you want to be left alone? As in childhood: I'm in the house, and do not touch me.

- How do you generally treat a photo session in nude?

- Five years ago, I participated in the project "Protecting what is expensive to you" in support of the introduction of a human papilloma virus vaccine. This project was organized by Elena Malysheva, and Andrei Malakhov, Natasha Podolskaya, Daria Dontsova participated in it. A similar campaign started in America, where to combat skin cancer photographed by Nude Mark Jacobs, Dita Tiz, Heidi Klum, Victoria Beckham, Winon Ryder, Naomi Campbell, Eva Mendez.

- We also saw you in the image of a blonde. Why did you suddenly decide to change the hair color?

- It was made for a photo session of one fashion portal. See yourself with blond hair, of course, funny! I never painted my head and not going! Even in the cartoon "Rapunzel: a confusing story" the princess, which I voiced, first was a blonde, and in the final turned out to be a brunette and found my prince!

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