Bebi fitness: 5 exercises where the child will help you


Mad rhythm of life after the birth of a child cares for women by surprise: how to allocate time for yourself? Doctors advise fashionable baby fitness - exercises, where your child will be crazy instead of dumbbells. Training can be performed at home, performing exercises in the intervals between domestic affairs. Let's proceed?

Workout. Walking on the spot

Before training, make a circular workout - slopes head, circular movements with hands, knees, tilting forward-back and right-left, warm-up of hands and ankle brushes. Take the child to the hands, turning the back to yourself. One hand holds a kid under the mouse, the other is between the legs. Stand in front of the mirror - so the child will see his reflection and smile to him, and you can correctly do exercises. Start marching in place, then take steps forward-back, you can slightly squat when moving forward. As soon as you feel that it became a little hot and the pulse is frequent, start doing exercises.

It is important to pay a warm-up time.

It is important to pay a warm-up time.


Exercise 1. Squatting in motion

The exercise involves the muscles of the legs and buttocks, allows you to maintain a pulse in the training range. Energotown squats, so they should be performed at the beginning of the workout. Stand on the spot, the legs are closed, keep the child, as during a workout. Make a step right, the legs are slightly wider than shoulders, and squat to the level when the hips are parallel to the floor, then put the left leg. Similarly, do the exercise on the left side, making a step with my left foot. Repeat in 2-3 approaches to 10-15 squats. Stop performing an exercise when you feel that we are tired.

Baby will be happy to new experience

Baby will be happy to new experience


Exercise 2. Rise hands back-up

Exercise involves muscles of hands, back and chest. Stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders. Keep your child with both hands under the mouse, the hands are omitted. Raise baby up, not bending hands. Repeat in 2-3 approaches 10-15 times. Then press the child to yourself on the bent hands. Child in the same position. Raise hands up, straightening them. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same.

Hand lifts will help strengthen the back

Hand lifts will help strengthen the back


Exercise 3. Body bending standing

Exercise involves muscles back and legs. Stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders. It is better to turn sideways to the mirror to control the correctness of the execution technique. One hand holds the kid under the mouse, the other is between the legs, as during the warm-up. The straight back lean forward to the parallels of the back with the floor, then return to the starting point. Repeat in 2-3 approaches 10-15 times.

The child will laugh loudly with its reflection in the mirror

The child will laugh loudly with its reflection in the mirror


Exercise 4. slopes to the right

Exercise involves muscles of the press and back. Stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders. One hand holds a kid under the mouse, the other is between the legs. Like alternately left-left, making a pause at the starting point. Exercise perform slowly to work the muscles better and do not disturb the child. Repeat in 2-3 approaches 10-15 times.

Exercise 5. Flexing the case lying

Exercise involves the muscles of the press. Lie on the floor on the back, putting a training rug or plaid. Bend legs in the knees, feet rest in the floor. If the baby is already sitting, then booty to put it on my stomach so that the back of the baby relies on your legs. If the child is still not sits, then put it with the stomach on your belly, face to you. In both cases, hold the kid with both hands. Swing the press, bending the torso. Repeat in 2-3 approaches 10-15 times. Follow the movement of the housing: the spin spin alternately to the right and left. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same.

Swing the press to strengthen the belly

Swing the press to strengthen the belly


Hitch. Crick

At the end of the workout we advise 5-7 minutes to pay stretch marks to remove the tension from the muscles. Put the baby in the crib. Sit on the rug and commemorate your legs in front of you - thread to the socks. Then dive legs to the sides and stretch to each leg alternately, keeping a smooth back. Squat the feet and move the legs to the pelvis - put on your knees to the body and pull forward. In the same position, take the slopes to the parties. After stretching, stretch on the rug, relaxing the muscles, and lie in this position with the closed eyes 2-3 minutes.

The main thing in training is a good mood and well-being with your child. It is possible to start when the child turns 3-4 months, previously consulted with a gynecologist and pediatrician. As the child grows, his weight will increase, therefore, you can raise the load, strengthening muscles.

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