I am defenseless: signs that will give a pathological jealous


It is no secret that one of the fundamental factors of harmonious relationship is trust. And it costs one of the halves to begin to doubt his partner, even the lightest feeling will not be able to hold you together for a long time. Psychologists believe that men are much more difficult to cope with a sense of doubt in their partner, and therefore the angry men-jealous men rush the most ambitious scandals. But it also happens that the partner does not even know that it is dealing with a jealous second half, often taking her behavior for bad traits, but this is not so. We decided to figure out what signs talk about gradual loss of trust.

Partner begins to control your life

The jealousness will not allow that in your life some event happened without his knowledge. Be sure your phone, social networks and even pockets are verified by a partner more than once. In addition, all people who enter your circle of communication should be "approved" by the second half, and often the partner establishes the boundaries of your communication with other people. A person will try to do everything so that your circle of friends narrowed, because when people are not enough, they are easier to control them. Familiar?

he will be needed permanent control

he will be needed permanent control

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

The partner always knows where you

Another way to control, which is regarded by the jealous, as concern for you. It comes to funny: he may demand that you tell him about your route for the day of the world of all the details. In addition, be prepared for calls every twenty minutes, and if you, God forbid, do not take the phone, the scandal is inevitable. In his understanding, you must always stay in touch.

Partner inadequately reacts to your actions

Smoothly follows from the previous item. If the partner fails to reach you, you will not be able to explain to him why it happened, whatever your reasons were not: he already "understood." Ignoring such "care", the jealous of the revisions as disrespect for himself and comes to the point that the half is accused of treason. If in his head you are absolutely "heated", no excuses will help you, since the problem of the pathological jealous is also in a very stormy fantasy.

Partner will put forward the requirements

As we have already found out, the main tactics of jealous - control and pressure. It is worth it to suspect you in infidelity, the partner will begin to insist, and in a rather rough form, at the termination of all contacts with a person whom he considers unreliable to communicate with you. It will require a change of phone number, communicating with a man in a rough form, and often it happens not only with your friends, but even family: the jealous of it can try to cut your contacts and with close relatives, if he considers that they do not affect you How he would like. In this situation, it is important to show hardness and not to make concessions, remember, if a person understands that you are easily addressed by manipulations on his side, it will be more and more to submit you to his will. Do not think that a person will fix it, as a rule, does not happen. As soon as you understand that the relationship has ceased to bring joy, and you cannot live quietly next to your partner, think about whether you need so "suffocating" relationships.

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