Reese Witherspoon shared a photograph of his son


Before the appearance in the life of Reese Witherspoon of social networks, the actress diligently hid his personal life from the public. But now thanks to Instagram, pool stake fans can learn more about RISA. Including in humilion to observe how her younger son of Tennessee will grow up.

Junior Son Reese Witherspoon Tennessee. Photo:

Junior Son Reese Witherspoon Tennessee. Photo:

On Thursday, the actress shared a touching picture of the baby, who has been two and a half years old. The boy in the photo looks a bit confused. But from the signature to the snapshot becomes clear why: "We play hide and seek. I see you!" - explained Witherspoon.

Recently, Reese Witherspoon noted the fourth anniversary of the wedding with his husband Jim Tom. Photo:

Recently, Reese Witherspoon noted the fourth anniversary of the wedding with his husband Jim Tom. Photo:

The movie star infrequently publishes photos of their loved ones, but each of her such post is very cute. For example, a week ago, in the fourth anniversary of the wedding with his husband, Jim Tog, Reese through the microblog admitted to him in love: "Four years ago I got married to this amazing man from Pittsburgh. He makes me laugh every day. I was very lucky with him. I wish us to celebrate many more, many such happy anniversary! "

Jim and little Tennessee. Photo:

Jim and little Tennessee. Photo:

And a month ago, the actress pleased the fans with a joint image of Tennessee and his dad. "Every day I thank the fate for the fact that this beautiful person is my husband. My life would be completely different if I had no constant support and encouragement. He changes diapers, fills the car and always finds the time to talk to me on souls. (And he makes no harmonious latte!), "Reese admitted.

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