How to overcome jealousy between children


When the youngest child is born in the family, very often older children begin to treat him with jealousy. What to do in such a situation and how to explain to the child that now has a brother or sister?

Typical situation: while mom is pregnant, children are looking forward to replenishment, they tell you how to play and pamper younger, however, with the birth of a child, the situation changes dramatically.

Children are jealous due to the fact that they are afraid of competition for the love of parents, they simply cannot have other reasons. Parents should show more attention to the eldest if they see that the child is very distressed by replenishing the family.

We will give some tips to parents who want to prevent this unpleasant situation.

Not always the children are friends among themselves

Not always the children are friends among themselves


Senior child does not let the younger in the crib

At least a few months before the birth of the baby, buy a new crib to the older child, so that by the time of the youngest the old bed was free, and the elder child did not experience stress because his bed was taken away. Tell me that he is already adult enough to sleep in the bed for adults, and the old one can give the baby.

Senior child also wants to feed him in breast milk

No need to dramatically deny the child, you will only provoke hysterical crying. Instead, it is necessary to explain to the child that if mom feeds the older child, you may not be enough younger, especially since on the shelf in the kitchen he can take something tasty. Only in advance put a delicacy.

Children want to play, and not to take adult duties

Children want to play, and not to take adult duties


The child requires returning the youngest back to the maternity hospital

Do not scold a child if you heard such a request from him. Tell us how lucky the child is that he has a junior relative, because now they will be able to play together when the younger will grow slightly. If the eldest waited for the appearance of the younger brother, tell me that the baby knew it and was very glad that now they finally met.

Senior child does not give to sleep baby

Invite the eldest to talk in a whisper, so as not to disturb the dream baby. You can talk to the child that when he was small, everyone was very respectful to his needs. In extreme cases, take something like a child.

Senior child feels abandoned

At least for a few hours a day, put your duties on grandmothers or other relatives to pay this time to the eldest child. You can put the baby to sleep for a couple of hours, and the grandmother will calmly look after the crib. This time is enough for you to fill the lack of communicating with the elders.

Senior child offends the younger

If you, in response to his aggression, begin to show rudeness for its part, the reaction will be the opposite of what you expect. Just do not leave children alone, constantly watch what they are doing together.

The child can feel lonely with the advent of the younger family

The child can feel lonely with the advent of the younger family


The older child is tiring the duties for the care of the younger

Children want to play, rather than drag adults on themselves. Leave the baby in a wheelchair so that he sleeps, and in the meantime, play with the eldest. You do not need to be forced to do with younger child, it will only provoke aggression, and, and, in general, this duty is yours. If you want to bring closer children, do it gradually.

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