Elena Probleova: "I have to talk about the courtship of men


- Lena, from the side it seems that you are a contradiction nature. Here, for example, you somehow said that you always love to overcome something - it is connected with this, as I understand it, your participation in the same "last hero." And already in another interview you assure that you love comfort. How is it all combined?

- I would not love so comfort if I hadn't known what kind of noncomfort. This is already a long-time famous truth: in order to understand something good, you need to experience something bad. Otherwise, nothing to compare with. Therefore, for me, "the last hero" is an opportunity to make sure that I am happily and comfortably live, once again make sure that age is not an obstacle for any tests. And what if you are engaged in yourself, then you are in extreme projects and in my age can be completely quietly involved. For me it was an interesting adventure. I have never been in the Philippines. I adore the sea. I love cheerful. For me, it was some kind of such a really interesting project that raised my self-esteem.

- You also participated in the previous project of the same name. What then provoked you?

- All the same prerequisites. It is always interesting for me to experience myself, to understand who I am in fact, and I can't seem to know.

- If it's not a secret, and who you yourself seem?

- I seem to myself quite a strong, hardy, tolerant person. Able to experience complex situations that can help others in difficult situations. I like it. You know, in life it is unknown, what trials we will have, maybe not only this coronavirus. But I know that I am a strong person.

- And what was difficult in the past "Hero", and what - in the last issue of the project?

- Then it was at all some kind of awesome trip. We had a very creative team, it was a very creative pastime on the island. In addition to all sorts of tests, we also talked to different creative topics. Share their plans, with their affairs, told about some ideas. It has always been interesting evenings, interesting conversations. This time it turned out difficult - whether the difference in age, whether there is already a completely different mentality. But I was not very interested with people who spoke only about the likes, who wrote to whom, in whose head is only concern about how this project will affect their pages on social networks. This is not my topic. And it seems to me that the star should be called not by the number of likes, because they can be done completely so, you know, terrible. (Smiles.) Still, it is necessary to earn this title to earn some of its activities, which benefits other people, something gives them, and life does not go in vain. If people respect and consider you a star in this sense, then this can be proud of it. And the fact that you put likes for the fact that you did something incredible there, this is, in my opinion ... In general, not my topic. I say it without condemnation, just now another world, another life, other youth, they have their own priorities. I do not deny such a way of life, it just was not interesting to me. I did not draw anything from my fellow tribesmen, so let's say.

- I wanted to ask you about what kind of relationships with the heroes of the program, but you already answered it so ...

- Yes, practically answered. We existed apart. We did some common household things, this is not avoided: a camp device, cooking food, food mining, competition. But such a human desire to understand and comprehend each other somehow did not happen.

- And how did you get out of these difficult situations, so as not to be angry, do not go crazy?

- Yes, no way. I think that the public was quite intelligent, which did not particularly press each other. Do you understand? Everyone has the right to have his own opinion, his point of view in life. And this, thank God, was supported by all team members. I, in any case, one hundred percent.

- Tell me, and Extreme in ordinary life is inherent to you?

"Yes, I was married to the hunter thirty years, I traveled with him all Africa, Kamchatka, Sakhalin." Hunt for all animals. Therefore, for me, the ability to dilute in the forest bonfire, live there for several days, go through transitions several tens of kilometers - this is the norm of life. I know all this, I can.

- Admit, in the cinema often fell into difficult situations, extreme?

- I can not say that extreme, but complex situations in the cinema are always a lot. First, a 12-hour working day, and this is quite difficult to move physically. The work is creative, it is also like that, you know, not a walk under the moon. Of course, there are difficulties: cold, heat, work during the disease. But this profession tears, in a good sense, to patience. Be able to endure these difficulties. Now there is such a tendency: I'm a star, I don't tolerate anything, everything should be filed, everything should be done, but in our time there was no such thing. We, on the contrary, in order to succeed in our profession, learned a lot tolerate. And it still helps me in life. I can not put up with some other things there, which are against my priorities of life, against my arranged enough serious postulates, which is good, that is bad, and without condemning another form of life, I, nevertheless defending my own. And patience in this sense helps me very much. Because to be against someone or something is always easier than to understand the other.

- You mentioned your spouse-hunter and how addicted to the extremal type of rest is hunting. It was complicated?

- In fact, I have not been addicted to him. I have a very simple position. I believe that the wife should share their husband's hobbies. Just as he - hobbies of his wife. And if this is such a passion, and hunters are passionate, then I had a choice - or stay at home, or traveling with my spouse. I must tell you that Africa leaves an indelible impression. She absolutely penetrates the soul. I am in love with this continent. In this world. In what is happening there. Moreover, many will turn the concept of hunting. For example, today in Africa there would not have a single animal if not hunters who contribute enormous money to the budgets. And it is for this money that animals are bred. And it is in hunting farms that they are. In that africa, which is just Africa, where there are no hunting grounds, there is no mouse, everything is eaten. Therefore, this question is quite serious. By investing our money, which have accumulated in the year to go to another trip, the meat mined fed people who have not seen this meat for several years. All villages came to us. These were holidays. People thanked. Hungry children finally got food. I do not know, but all those who rebel against it, I want to ask, did you feed someone in this life, at least one village or one family? This is all a question for discussion, for dismissal, each has its own position, but I adhere to that.

- Do you think it is worth dividing hobbies for men and female? What is your position?

- I think it happens in different ways. Of course, a man, probably, is not very interesting to go shopping, choose hats or shoes. And I, as a woman, of course, sorry animals on the hunt. But it seems to me correctly when each of the family members sees happiness on the other of the other, and you should not lose these moments.

- You can say, the extreme men do you like, but not in terms of prolonged jumps with parachute, but in terms of their actions, solutions?

"I am probably a very happy person, because next to me is always - that in the work, that in life there were people who, how to say, they can be called extremely exclusive. People who in their soul have a certain powerful rod of love for this life. Desire to understand this life. I really love people who do not live only because they woke up today. They always have a plan, there are always aspirations, there is always luck. Such a temperamental lifestyle that makes moving along it, and not just to live it. Here are the people who live their lives, whoever they would be, they are not very interesting to me.

- How should a man take care of you to pay attention to him?

- Exactly me? (Laughs.) I am already late to talk about the courtship of men. It is better for me not to care for me, because it is hardly that a man who can add something in my life. Yes, and I can hardly give him something exclusive, which was not from him. (Laughs.) But I think a man in principle to care for a woman as he wants. And how she will react to it, it is already its problem. There are no recipes. And stupid, probably, care for a woman just because she likes it. It must be done as you like. Because ultimately there should be a merger of shower, not just tel.

- At eleven years you have become a sports master in sports gymnastics. Never spare about the selected path? Did not reflect on the topic of what could be, go along the sports track?

"I am such a happy person that in principle I do not know the words" regret. " I think: everything that happened in my life is sent to me by fate. So it is correct. And how my life was formed, it was as follows. And that regret that it might be, it is not known what would end. And in general it is unrealistic. I am very earthly man. I do not like these empty, especially pessimistic reflections: where I lost, as it did not work. (Laughs.) I adore my life. I am absolutely satisfied with everyone. I love everything. I have a huge number of hobbies, classes. And I am grateful to everything that happened in my life, it happens and will happen.

- And the sport still helped you in life?

- Yes of course. This is my willpower.

"You are openly talking about your age, although many actresses hide him." Why?

- What for? (Laughs.) It's really funny to me. Age is a passport, but the state of the soul, the state of health, communicating with people, and in this regard, everything is in order.

- How do you care about your body, your soul?

- I care about myself. I always believed that it was better to prevent the disease than to treat it. Therefore, for me proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, good sleep, clean air is everything is very important. And it all I have. Today I am absolutely, pah, pah, ugh, satisfied with his health. By its condition. Number of work.

- Buying an apartment in Sochi is also a few extreme deed. What is she needed for you?

- I will explain. The fact is that I love spring and summer very much. I love the sea very much. I always miss him. I adore for a long time to swim. I love the mountains very much. And also love plants, and we, unfortunately, not all growing in the suburbs. All this is me and advocated to buy an apartment in Sochi. But this was not enough for me, I realized that I want to stand on Earth, and not live on the eleventh floor. I am now building a house, because I want to plant a fig, kiwi so that watermelons grow me. So that there were those plants that cannot grow here. Of course, the most role was played by what I had a professional bronchial asthma. And in the mountains, I just stop breathing with my pshkalki. But months I am there without any help your health, I feel good there.

- They say, in Sochi you did not just have bought an apartment: you purchased and united in one immediately almost the whole floor?

- Apartments now sell: 20 meters, 30 meters. For me, this is not the square, I used to work in the theater. My scene is my room. And place me in a smaller space, and I'm stylish.

"Did you somehow tell me that they began to build a house, because they bored around the house in the suburbs?

- You know, I bored on the ground. I love to grow flowers, plants, get your harvest, I really love environmentally friendly food, to you grown. Because the matter, as I understand it, is not only that the product is grown without fertilizer, without chemistry, it is also important that he knew your hands to grow precisely for you. And it gives me great pleasure. I study from nature. I love her. And she means a lot for me. And there, in the mountains - just paradise.

- In your luxurious suburban house there is a garden, and a garden, and a chicken coop, all this remains today? Or will you deal with all this in Sochi?

- Everything is left, and the chicken coop also, but here I, unfortunately, I can not start, because I am daring to the suburbs, then in Sochi, and on workers who help me, hope is not very big. So now I am without them. But there, in Sochi, they are. There he has anyone to care for the chickens.

- So the house is already worth?

- The house is built, however, there is still a decoration. Now at the coronavirus there is no earnings, but wait. (Smiles.)

- What is the house for you?

- For me, the house means a lot of things. I believe that I am inseparable from him. My life so happened that I do not feel myself a resident, for example, of Russia or Moscow region. I call myself dug. I live on planet earth. And I already want it to come rather the time when it is a single country, a single planet. We will all love each other, and not get the buckwheat with each other from the counters. Therefore, I feel good, in principle, everywhere. I drove a lot with tours. And wherever I was, I always always. But the house is, you know how good warm bed. There you come there, and there your lingerie, which is tasty smells, there is your cozy place where you can relax. This is the house. And to be he can anywhere. But he should be. It should be light, warm, cozy, should be plants, animals so that you come and rejoiced.

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