Olivia Wilde: "I believe in marriage, but I know without a document that Jason is my husband"


Olivia Jane Kobern (Wild - Pseudonym, chosen thanks to the great love for the work of Oscar Wilde) was born in the family of the journalist Andrew Kobern and the producer of one of the most famous American TV shows "60 minutes" Leslie Cobern. The girl grew among politicians, journalists and actors. Family of the future actress often changed the place of residence, parents were constantly on business trips, so Olivia was used to adapt to different conditions in the minimum time. The graceful Wilde turned out to be a difficult teenager - she ran out of the house and early married: in eighteen years old, her spouse was a twenty-essential aristocrat of Italian origin, the director of Tao Polly. Since then, Olivia began to film - in addition to all the famous thirteenth in the TV series "Dr. House" on her account more than ninety roles in films and serials. Wildery and Polly marriage existed for eight years and collapsed - neither children nor the real happiness he did not bring spouses. In a statement of divorce as the reason for the separation of Olivia, the classic in Hollywood "Incomparable disagreements" was indicated. After becoming a free woman again, in 2011 Wilde began to meet with American comedian Jason Sudiykis. In April 2014, the Son Otis Alexander appeared at the pair. The actress's once registered children does not hesitate to fourthly breastfeed, everything is more actively fighting for peace all over the world and, of course, continues to film. On March 6, the Lazarus thriller is coming to Russian rental, where she played one of the main roles.

Olivia, do you feel yourself thirty-one?

Olivia Wilde: "Yes. Previously, what I seemed to others (especially those who know me only on the films and interviews), very distinguished from me real. For example, unfamiliar women were constantly approached me and said that I would not think that I would have forgiven with my husbands to betray with me. I was shocked - what to answer this?! Now it has become easier - my public image is much closer to my self-absolution. When you are not thirty, you are careful, you study money - in general, you study everything. Now I have become calmer - I can stop, look back, understand what is ready to do, but what I will not decide under any circumstances. I know that I am satisfied and what I want to do in the future. "

How did you suffer a pregnancy?

Olivia: "At first I tried to hide the belly under the clothes. But at some point I really wanted to show that I am a real woman, in such an interesting and happy position. There was a period of pride with his belly. And about the choice of linen, I generally might talk constantly - I suddenly with my forever zero size turned out to be in part of the store with linen for pischnogruda girls, which was very nice. During pregnancy, it was necessary to deal with dry skin, smearing with bold creams. But after childbirth, the skin became excellent! "

And the world weight changed?

Olivia: "I became kinder. I looked at others and thought: But you, and now you were once a baby! And for the first time in life began to understand young mothers, and in general there was an unprecedented female solidarity in me. And I also began to feel more beautiful and necessary. When I look at Otis, I can not believe that this is a wonderful, perfect being developed in my body. It gives me confidence. And my priorities, of course, have changed - now I absolutely do not care what they think about me and speak others. There is something else: I also often forgot to do something, and now I have the opportunity to say: "Oh, it's all hormonal! I am why I remember anything ... "I use the moment." (Laughs.)

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudjakis began to meet in 2011. And in April 2014, the Son Otis Alexander appeared at the pair. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudjakis began to meet in 2011. And in April 2014, the Son Otis Alexander appeared at the pair. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

You do not give annoying tips?

Olivia: "Give. Especially about the need to be an official married woman. I believe in marriage, but I also know without documentary confirmation that Jason is my husband. And our relationship is absolutely ... normal. "

But you are engaged - you have a very beautiful ring.

Olivia: "It is vintage, made in 1921 in Paris. I don't know anything more about him, so I love to fantasize the topic of one who wore him and what is his story. This emerald is not green, but the colors of the sea wave. Jason, when he gave the ring, said that this stone is associated with him with the color of my eyes. It was so nice! "

That is your wedding you should not wait?

Olivia: "Why? We are engaged. But there are no wedding dates - while the marriage organization simply lacks time. We are so family - bring up my son together, we are good together. It seems no longer there is a clear concept of a "happy family." But when we get hands before the wedding, I am sure, she will be very fun. "

What is he - Jason Sudjakis - in real life?

Olivia: "Good, dear, very homely. Jason grew up in Kansas, he has a wonderful family and stunning two sisters. It seems to me that the boys who grew up with sisters often become good husbands. He is very thoughtful, attentive, he has an excellent sense of humor. He once explained to me a simple truth - to solve the problem, you need to laugh. Ridiculously unpleasant. It works".

Do you compete - who is better than a sense of humor?

Olivia: "I know perfectly well that Jason has better, and will always be better. (Laughs.) In general, Jason is terribly talented, and I immeumably respect him. And it brings my love to a completely new level. Each of us behind the collapsed marriage. We both learned a lesson - without making themselves it is impossible to love another person. "

Do you regret the past marriage? Do you consider it lost time?

Olivia: "Of course not. I would never have become who I didn't have that experience. I grew up thanks to my first husband, we changed together. Now I am much wiser, and I am glad that everything happened exactly as happened. "

Where do you live now?

Olivia: "Mainly in New York."

You look great. How did it come into the form?

Olivia: "I try to play sports ... if possible. Every day, of course, it does not work, but three or four times a week it is quite real. Being a pregnant, I made gymnastics before the ninth month. Stopped when the stomach did not allow exercises without risk for the baby. "

Probably, Otis was kicking and resisted?

Olivia: "Yes, he kicking a lot - and he already has an excellent feeling of rhythm, probably, thanks to the intrauterine experience."

Despite the birth of the Son, Olivia Wilde and Jason Speatikis are in no hurry to register their relationship. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

Despite the birth of the Son, Olivia Wilde and Jason Speatikis are in no hurry to register their relationship. Photo: Rex Features / fotodom.ru.

Toddler sleeps well?

Olivia: "He's curious, and I can not say that he loves to sleep - he is wondering everything that happens around. He is perfect for me in general, and he has excellent good-natured nature. And when they stopped on the street and say: "How is your Otis? My kid at his age slept all night long! " "I can only strain:" He is not bad, thank you. "

By the way, why did you choose the name otis?

Olivia: "We could not find a suitable option for quite some time that both. And then I said: "Or maybe Otis?" - Because I love Otis Redding (Soul-Musician, popular in the 1960s and tragically died in a plane crash aged twenty-six years. - Ed. Ed.), And Jason immediately agreed. "

Olivia, they say that you have some special relationship with food. Tell about it?

Olivia: "Food for me is always an adventure and journey. I adore her to study. When I try something new - it's like a trip to a new country for me. This gift of nature, new sensations. I could not sit on a diet, refuse meat, fish, soybeans, gluten, how it is now fashionable. No, of course, someone has allergic to these components, and this is not a desire to push fashion, so I'm not going to condemn anyone ... But for me, cooking food is always a study and an adventure, and I do not want to limit myself, removing That products from the recipe. "

With such a relation to food, did you ever have problems with weight?

Olivia: "In his youth, when I studied at a boarding school, I gained extra ten kilograms. But at twenty years, they lost them imperceptibly - and was quite skinny. Now I understand that it was just such age, quick metabolism. And the rest, like everything, probably, I felt both Tolstoy, and skinny, and terrible times. Now I know that I am typing the weight pretty quickly. And also I understand that my weight is in my hands: if you do not fit into jeans, I can say myself in front of the mirror: "In the next two weeks, do not click on the pasta, understood?"

Do you have your own style?

Olivia: "He relaxed. I would never be able to walk everywhere on heels like Eva Longoria. I'm a little ... rushing, or what? I always liked how Bob Marley and Keith Richards look like. In my youth, I did not disdain the "Second-Hand" shops: I could not imagine that for a couple of jeans you can give more than twenty dollars. But, of course, I really like how the same Longoria looks like. In general, my rule: you do not know how to do - take an example from the French. It applies to both clothes and the rest. France is the birthplace of perfect minimalism. "

I know that you are actively engaged in charity ...

Olivia: "Even in my worst young years, the opportunity to make a good deed helped me emotionally. Working in the film industry, it is very difficult not to become an egoist, and the chance to help less successful people allowed not to lose touch with reality. My parents always fought and continue to fight for the world to become kinder. I was in childhood in Haiti and in the late 2000s helped to establish the Assistance Fund to Poor Countries Artists for Peace and Justice. And after Haiti survived a terrible earthquake in 2009, Barbara Barchfield was founded by Conscious Commerce. We decided to use the fact that people make purchases on half a billion dollars daily. We began to convince them to buy those things whose manufacturers spend the weighty part of the revenue for charity. "

What problems is your foundation?

Olivia: "With the most severe - such as a children's prostitution, which, unfortunately, is found in the poorest countries from generation to generation. When the daughter is born in the family of a young mother working in the panel, she has almost no chance to avoid maternal destinies. We have built a free school for girls from disadvantaged families in Calcutta, we try to make life in their quarters most secure, helping to work in businesses in businesses that are not related to the shadow economy, try to support families ... We have launched a website and online stove of things, the money from the sale of which Go to help the poor people of the poorest countries. In the fall, we spent the music festival, to get to which it was possible, spending money for charity. "

Are you satisfied with the first results?

Olivia: "Of course! In my eyes, a concrete box turned into a Calcutt school for thousands of students, whose year ago there was no chance to get an education. It is difficult for me to believe that all this began with a simple desire to help and became a reality! "

And what with the main job - you did not stop being removed?

Olivia: "No, I have an example of my mom before my eyes, which has always worked. She never gave himself mercy - so when she was waiting for my brother, then in the seventh month of pregnancy worked in the Somali war covered by the war ... And being pregnant with me, it turned out to be a bomb on board, in which (according to exploration) was a bomb and a terrorist attack was preparing. The case was in the Middle East. And Mom calmly argues on this topic: "It's good that you still appeared on the light - because because of the bomb we could not survive!" So I absolutely do not intend to sacrifice myself with a completely calm acting-producer career. "

Soon the Lazarus thriller is coming to Russian rental, where you play one of the main roles. You are not the first time shooting in thrillers. Probably, by nature you are very bold?

Olivia: "As I said, my parents constantly put me the idea that only personal experience makes sense. Like, if you want to figure out something - I do it myself. And I always followed this advice. We all read all around the clock - the dining table was always littered with books and newspapers. The parents tried every minute every minute to understand and learn something new: for example, Mom began to teach Arabic when she was good for forty. So I probably still bold, since since childhood I check everything in my own skin. "

What does success mean for you?

Olivia: "Success is when your dream come true and continues to come true."

Maria Khmelenco

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